Book Review

Bread & Wine [Book Review]

Monday, April 15, 2013
I don't even know where to begin my review of Shauna Niequist's latest book, Bread & Wine: A Love Letter To Life Around the Table With Recipes.  There is so much I want to convey to you about the beauty, the authenticity and the absolute need for a book like this. As its tagline states, this book is a "love letter to life...


Best Friends

God, Eh-ah. Amen.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013
I'm going to let the world in on a little secret: I don't really know what I'm doing with this whole parenting thing.  Oh, I've read lots of books on the subject and talked to many moms I admire.  I've Binged and Googled and Pinterested to my heart's content issues on the matter of parenthood, especially as it pertains to this new land...



March InstaGlance

Monday, April 01, 2013
Another month has come and gone... and Spring is still hiding out somwhere in the West!  March brought lots of sweet cuddles from my baby; a high school basketball game that was lots of fun; lots of playing with toys and sunnies; a sewing project (St. Patty's ruffle pants!); a trip to the Children's Museum where Gia got to explore all kinds of...