Its been a long time since I've done a general update on things. Mostly because I don't make the time to write much anymore, which is something I am really working to change. This has been a great summer and I cannot believe it is pretty much over. School starts early around us in Indiana, and the past few weeks have brought much...
I love childrens’ books. In fact, when I go to weed out items and declutter my kids’ rooms, the only things I can never bring myself to get rid of are books. I especially love books with good illustrations, as my littles are still very much in the picture book phase. (They’re 1.5 and 4 years old.) Thankful is a beautifully illustrated book...
I love Timehop. If you haven’t gotten in on this app, you’re missing out on a daily dose of nostalgia being effortlessly delivered to the palm of your hand. Sean texted me this morning that it has been six years since we made Whitney “Facebook official.” In other words, six years ago today, we let the world know that I was pregnant and...
I love books that take the truth of the Bible and filter them through a child’s lens. Notice I didn’t say they water down the stories of the Bible or the Biblical truths! As a mom, I appreciate a well-written book of Bible stories and scriptural truths. Something that goes beyond the Sunday School gloss-overs of Noah’s Ark and David & Goliath. I...
Messy Grace: How A Pastor With Gay Parents Learned to Love Others Without Sacrificing Conviction by Caleb Kaltenbach is by far the most poignant, relevant book on practical Christianity that I have read this year. Specifically, Messy Grace is a book that shows us how to live in the tension between grace and truth when it comes to embracing members of the Lesbian, Gay,...
My sister and brother in law are currently in China, bringing home their son & my nephew, Titus! While they are gone, my fearless mother is watching Megan & Eric's other three children in Arizona. I know how crazy life can be with just two little ones so I thought mom might need a few options for some quiet, self-guided play- especially for...