
Whitney Jill

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Whitney Jill Wilson was born into heaven February 11, 2010She weighed 13.6 ounces and was 26 centimeters long.We had 30 weeks 6 days with our beautiful baby.She had her mamma's eyebrows, curly hair and long, piano-player fingers.She had her daddy's adorbale nose and would have definitely had his smile.We love her and miss her more than words can explain.It may be a while...


I Won! I Won!

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Whoa! I actually won a blog giveaway!! One of the fabulous blogs I read religiously is "The Glamorous Life of a Housewife"... Its a great blog, you should check it out! And she had a great Valentine's giveaway (Her Giveaway Blog HERE)-- a set of 7 keys from Pottery Barn. Anyone who knows me knows how much I {{heart}} all things PB! We...


Saturday, February 06, 2010
Oh, if only it were this easy! I have a long list of things I want to get done today, but woke up with a terrible sore throat. Actually, I barely slept last night because I kept trying to clear my throat from the scratchies. As much as I looked, not a single couch drop or throat spray was anywhere to be found...