
A Blog Hoppin' Jewel of a Find

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Ever since I've discovered Yiruma and listened to that during Whitney's birth, I've been on a piano/instrumental/composition genius kick lately. I was doing what I do most nights when I'm not sleepy-- blog hopping-- and came across this incredible video that a friend of a worldwidewebby friend had posted. Um. incredible. Am I the only one just now discovering the genius of John...


Pioneer Woman Love

Friday, March 19, 2010
I LOVE the Pioneer Woman. If you're one of the few people still living under a rock, and you've never visited Ree Drummond's uber-gorgeous blog, you need to! She encompasses every reason I LOVE being Oklahoma and am just so proud to be an Okie! This Golden State's got nothing on my home state. :-)Anyways, I just read on Perez that they may...



Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Whitney's blog is now much easier to find.......www.WhitneyJill.comYay! I'm going to be adding some new pages in the next few days and maybe changing up the graphics a little bit... look back soon to see the updates! :-) ...


Product Review: Purex Laundry Sheets

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Has anyone out there tried these? They are 3-in-1 laundry sheets... you put one sheet in your clothes with the wash and then transfer it with the clothes to the dryer. Well, I just tried them and have to say I was sorely disappointed. I have a HE Frontloading washer & dryer and I was not impressed. I got a free sample that...



Pretty Stuff

Tuesday, March 09, 2010
So, I read a lot of blogs. And the more I read, the more I realize how many insanely talented people there are in this world... and I'm not talking about the famous artsy ones, either. There are millions of crafty, gifted, beautiful artists who are just like you and me. And I LOVE seeing their work! I read about all different kinds...


Whitney's Birth

Monday, March 01, 2010
I finally got a post up about Whitney's Birth. It is on her blog HERE. I'm also working on getting our own domain for that blog so it will be easier to get to... more on that later! :-) ...