Election '12

We Voted

Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Here's how it went down in our household... pray.  pray.  pray.  vote & pray.  pray.  We know that all existing authorities have been appointed by God; He is the one who sets up kings and removes them.  And through it all, whether my choice for president wins or loses, God remains sovereign.  So we did our little part in history today, exercising the...



Handmade Halloween: BOOTS!

Saturday, November 03, 2012
Growing up, we always did Halloween but it wasn't really that big of a deal.  Some years, my mom would sew our costumes (I dream of Genie! it snowed that year, and I was in lace pants and a crop top. Brrrrrrrrr....) and other years we would just pick something up (the dreadful french maid).  It was always a good time.  But in...



October InstaGlance

Saturday, November 03, 2012
October has been a busy month!  We started the month up in Cincinnati, at a baby shower for our soon-to-be nephew.  Its always great to see Sean's family, and Gia is warming up to people much better these days.  We had lots of fun at the parks this month, soaking up all the incredibly fall beauty that is surely fleeting.  Gia got in...