Book Review

Waiting Here for You

Tuesday, November 24, 2015
I love everything about the Christmas season… the change in weather (for most of us), the flood of new songs that fill the airwaves, bright lights twinkling and the flurry of activity in every home and store. Most of all, I love the anticipation that all of these things signal. I love the anticipation that Christmas is coming— and with it, Jesus is...


Book Review

Happy Cooking with Giada De Laurentiis

Friday, November 20, 2015
I have to tell you, this cookbook is right up my alley. Happy Cooking Make Every Meal Count...Without Stressing Out is full of all the great things I look for when evaluating wether or not a cookbook is worth my money or not: brilliant photographs of the recipes’ end products, LOTS of said photographs, a wide range of recipes and recipes that are...


Book Review

The Ology

Monday, November 09, 2015
The Ology by Marty Machowshi is a beautifully written and illustrated book that dives into the deep issues of theology— that is, the study of God. Sometimes the topic of theology can be intimidating for even adults, and even more so when we think about approaching the topic with our children. The Ology is written in such a way that it brings the timeless...


Book Review

A Jewish Baker's Pastry Secrets

Friday, November 06, 2015
I  must admit, I never knew that Jewish bakers were superior to any other type of bakers. Or that there was a difference between Jewish coffee cake and say, Gentile coffee cake. That is, until my mother-in-law made the most delicious Jewish coffee cake for my sister’s bridal shower. What made it different? Why did it taste so dang good? I had to...


Book Review

The Story of God's Love for You

Friday, November 06, 2015
I love Sally Lloyd-Jones. Her Jesus Storybook Bible is an essential book for the library of every child- from birth through adolescence. What makes the Jesus Storybook Bible different and dare I say better than any other Toddler or Children’s Bible is that Lloyd-Jones keeps the theme of the gospel running throughout. She (rightfully) views the Bible as one great love story that...


Book Review

ANOTHER GIVEAWAY! The Christmas Story in 40 Days

Tuesday, November 03, 2015
*UPDATE* Giveaway is closed. Congratulations Kristin Goodson, you are the winner! I've emailed you for your address so I can get the book in the mail to you. As I’ve mentioned before (and will probably mention again before the month is over), I love Christmas. I am always looking for new books to read, devotionals to study and new songs to listen to...


BOOK GIVEAWAY! Christmas Time- Its All About Jesus

Tuesday, November 03, 2015
**Giveaway has ended. Congratulations Christina Burrell! You are the winner!** I love Christmastime. It is never too early to start celebrating the birth of our savior. Christmas songs are some of my all-time favorites- I wish we’d sing them all year ‘round! I know not everyone shares these same sentiments, but I can’t help but be excited about the Light of the World...