Well, after waking up at 3:15am EST on Tuesday morning, we finally made it to California, our new home. It really has not sunken in yet. As we were flying yesterday the thought entered my mind again and again, we did not book a return flight. We have left our comfort and security to go to a place where we know only a few, have not even seen our place of living, and we do not own a car to get us around. But as I look out the window of my friend’s house I see the mountains which show more beauty than words can describe. When I first woke up this morning I did not see the mountains. They were covered by darkness, as the sun had not yet rose and they were covered with fog as the small rays of light began to peak over the horizon. Now the sun has risen and the fog is lifting and I can see the beauty of the mountains again. As Sheyenne and I began this journey so many months ago, I knew that God was in control, I knew of the beauty and majesty of our maker, yet there was darkness and fog covering it all. Through this whole journey we saw the rays of light come over the horizon and we began to see again the awesomeness of God and in this moment as I think about our future to fog has lifted and I know that God has us here for purpose and mission. I have learned so much from where I have come. We developed friendships that will last for eternity. I pray that God used us to plant seeds, and I pray that God will continue to grow in the lives of those we did touch. I long for the fog of our lives to finally be lifted off, so that we can see the grandness of God’s story, and how we have all played our part in it with our own uniqueness and touch. Until then we must continue to be satisfied with the glimpses of the majesty of our King.