I remember being 8 or 9 and TOTALLY in love with NKOTB. K
elly Cook and I would sing at the top of our lungs as we jumped off of her bed or swam in her pool during the summer. We woke up early on Saturday mornings to watch the short-lived NKOTB Saturday morning cartoon. And secretly, I envied her Joey MacIntyre sheets and comforter set.

Not only did Kelly have the complete NKOTB bed set, she also had the latest 90210 doll of Brandon. Although Dylan was my main guy on the show, I have to say that Brandon did look pretty good as a doll. I remember the commercial that we'd see during Saturday morning cartoons... a girl bounces up to her locker (fluffy front bangs and teased side ponytail) and says to her friend, "Did you watch 90210 last night?" On cue, both she and her friends open their lockers and pull out their matching 90210 dolls. *sigh* I never had one of those. In fact, by the time I was 'legally' allowed to watch 90210, I was well past the playing-with-dolls stage.

All that said, you can imagine my delight when the CW network announced the return of a new, hip version of Beverly Hills, 90210 (2.0)... I will most definitely be Ti-Voing that one, and I'm not ashamed to say it. Kelly (Jenny Garth) and Brenda
(Shannon Doherty) are said to be returning and its rumored Dylan (Luke Perry) will make an appearance at some point. Oh, and don't forget Aunt Becky (Lori Laughlin) from Full House has a starring role, too. You better believe I'm hooked. I spend a lot of my days being grown up and doing grown up things... sometimes, I just need a break from all that. So thankyou, CW for bringing that to me this Fall. On September 2. This Tuesday. :-) Oh, and I'm downloading my new 90210 ringtone as I write. :-)