I made a first ever attempt at semi-gardening today. Joann's had their big pottery pots on sale 50% off, plus I had a coupon for an extra 10% of so that = total discount of 60%. Too good to pass up! So I got just one (to make sure I actually planted something in it before I got multiples!) and then Sean and I went to Lowe's this morning (after breakfast at our usual Saturday morning spot, BJ's Kountry Kitchen... we love it so much because its the only place here that reminds us of North Carolina! We love it!) to get the plants. I really don't know if the flowers will stay alive, but I sure hope they do because A) they're pretty and B) they were kinda expensive. I didn't know plants were so expensive. Well, we had to get potting soil too. ANYWHO... all that to say, here's what the final result looks like now:
I started off trying to sand it. But I didn't know how to work a sander. That's when I decided that really good primer would have to do.
*cue the music* I wanna be famous, wanna be a star. When I grow up, wanna be in movies, drives fast cars.... well, you know the rest.
I want to be famous. There I said it. Only now that I said it, I realize its not quite accurate. I want to have the perks of being famous with out the hassles that come with it. I mean, who really doesn't want to have someone fix their hair and make up every day, pick out fab clothes, and shuttle them around from place to place? I know I do!
Movies fascinate me. How they're made, what goes on behind the set, how the actors and the directors interact.... it is all so interesting! And so completely foreign to me! I think that I would love to have a busy jam-packed schedule, filled with doing things I love... like talking, meeting new people and smiling. :-)
I would love to not have to worry about money. I would love to be able to spend weeks away from real life doing mission work, and when back stateside, devoting my time to ministries I am passionate about. I would love to provide for family and treat friends and family to fabulous vacations and just spend months at a time "taking time off."
But, that's not real life. Just a dream. :-) With all that said, though I do love my life right now. (For the most part.) We still have to be conscious of money (who doesn't these days?) but we have all we need. And the most important thing we have is each other... My husband has been gone the past few days and I miss him so much! He was only gone for 4 days, but it seemed like forever!! So, even though our lives aren't Hollywood Fast, I'll take it. :-)
Coming soon... pics of our newly painted dining table! Sean took the camera camping with him, that's why I haven't put any up yet! On to being productive!

Oh, the flashlight. Remember my Uncle Bill? Every Christmas for as long as I can remember, Uncle Bill gave all of us flashlights. In my family, getting a flashlight from Uncle Bill was the equivalent of getting underwear from mom or a pen and notebook from grandma-- we expected it. When Sean joined the family, he was enveloped into the flashlight gifting, too. Every single flashlight we have in our house is from Uncle Bill. So, I went to the stash in our kitchen and pulled a big, bright orange one. This one we got from Uncle Bill via my parents this past Christmas. So what's the big deal about a flashlight? Uncle Bill passed away several months ago. This weekend, a lot of people are going down to the River to plant a tree in his memory and I so wish I could be there. As I put the flashlight in hubby's bag, he said "I'll think of him every time I turn this on." I've never appreciated those flashlight Christmas gift more than I did last night.
We kept thinking and talking about Uncle Bill a little bit and hubby said something I'd never thought of before.... when we were home over Thanksgiving, we got to go for two weeks. This only happened because there was a missionary convention and hubby's job had recently changed from Youth Minister to Missions pastor. We had planned on going to Cincinnati for Thanksgiving this year, and would have if the developements of last Fall hadn't taken place. On that trip home, we got to see Unlce Bill three different times. Once before we knew he had cancer and then again shortly after the diagnosis. It was so good to get to see him and talk with him, even if just for that short time. Hubby reminded me that if we hand't gotten kicked out of youth ministry, we probably would have never gotten to see Uncle Bill again before he went Home.
Hm. As many fits as I threw and as many tears I cried last fall, I've learned that the Lord does work in mysterious ways. And He most definitely does know what he's doing in working everything out to the good of those who love Him. And I love Him. I do. And I am so greatful for those extra moments with Uncle Bill.
.... Adoption! If anyone knows my husband, you know how much he loves Jon Piper. I came across this awesome video the other evening.... it is definitely worth watching. He can put into eloquent words thoughts and emotions I can't even describe!
I just discovered a friend's blog and absolutely loved what she wrote today.... I needed to hear it! Jump over the Jen's Place and read it...
That song, "He knows my name" is one that I heard for the first time when I lived in NC. In fact, the first time I heard it, I was at Jen's house, with Barb and Sissy. Sissy started singing it while Jen was playing the piano, and the words were so simple, yet so powerfully profound:
He Knows My Name
I have a Maker
He formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in his hands
I have a Father
He calls me His own
He'll never leave me
No matter where I go
He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And He hears me when I call
He formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in his hands
I have a Father
He calls me His own
He'll never leave me
No matter where I go
He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And He hears me when I call
We've sang that song a time or two at our church here, but its nothing like the way First Christian sings it in NC. I love the lines: "He'll never leave me, No matter where I go." Notice it says "where I go".... no matter how far I wander or how far out of His plan I may step, He never leaves me.
Sometimes on this journey, especially this particular stage of my life, I feel so alone. God knows that, and lately he's been bringing to mind precious scripture that reminds me of His presence and peace:
"The LORD is the one who is going ahead of you. He will be with you. He won't abandon you or leave you. So don't be afraid or terrified." Deut. 3:18
"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity but one of power, love, and self-discipline." 2 Tim 1:7
I've been finding myself afraid of taking the next step.... whatever that is. I am chickening out on things before I even start them! How silly is that? On those days, I am reminded that God's timing, God's plan is perfect.
So I started a new project today! I am painting our dining table and 5 chairs- black. A sleek, glossy, dark black. :-) Bye bye blonde and maple mismatched wood, hello gorgeous set. (Or so I hope) Photos will follow mid week, when everything is dry and stufff.... hoping it turned out good!

I just stumbled upon this new shopping website... thought I'd share... I LOVE this site. Seriuosly, go check out the gorgeous goodies. Here's a sample:

I have been a terrible blogger as of late. Sorry! Lots going on but not lots I want to share with the world, ya know?
This has been a pretty good weekend... we were supposed to have a garage sale with our small group, but it rained Friday night and was supposed to rain Saturday, so we postponed it to next weekend. That gave Sean and I the chance to go to Lowes to look for some paint colors for our house! We picked three to try out.... so here they are below. I don't really like any of them. One of the colors is kinda growing on me, but I'm not terribly thrilled about any of them. So, its back to the store for a few more color choices. Our main living area (living room, dining room, entryway and hallways) have so much wall space, and its just so scary to pick a color that is going to be that much all over!! So.... any ideas? Anyone have a favorite go-to paint color. I am desperately trying to find a store that can mix Tobacco Road...(its been discontinued for who knows WHAT crazy reason) but have had no luck so far. I'm going to try Home Depot this week.
In other news, Sean is doing so good with his working out and losing weight! He is only 14 pounds away from getting his big screen! And we have just the place for it! :-) Look at him! Doesn't he look great?!
*Slaps Hand To Forehead*
So that's how you do it! Man, we've been doing this all wrong. No wonder its taking so long!!