When I was a teenager- maybe 14 or 15 years old- I remember very clearly my mom was driving my sister and me home from school. She went a little out of her way; we weren't quite sure where she was going. We passed by a tree on the lefthand side of the road that was covered with flowers and notes. People, young people probably my age, were standing around the tree crying. This was the site of a car accident that had claimed the lives of several young people just a day or so before. I don't remember exactly how old I was, though I don't think I was quite of driving age yet. But I remember this day, because it was such a teachable moment. Just a moment of carelessness while driving can have a lifelong impact. I came across this short 10-minute documentary today and just had to pass it along. It talks about texting and driving. I think all of us are guilty at some point of doing this, but I cannot stress enough how dangerous it is. If you are a parent and have kids of driving age- or close to it- please, sit down and watch this with them.
I was so excited when I saw this new board book from Lisa Tawn Bergren. First released in 2009, this new version of the beautifully written children's book, "God Gave Us Love," is now being offered as a board book- perfect for pudgy little hands that like to rip and tear apart anything that resembles paper. This book is definitely sturdy and will stand the test of time from my little one's hands. The illustrations in this book (by Laura J. Bryant) are, in my opinion, even more beautiful than the artwork in Bergren's other book "God Gave Us You."
This books takes us on a journey with Little Cub as he learns the meaning of love. His Grampa tells him that there are lots of different kinds of love, and even though we may not particularly "like" someone, God wants us to love everyone. Grampa lovingly explains that God is love and he created us to love. Love is what "brings out the best in us and our families." This book addresses the love between moms and dads, siblings, family, friends and God. It pretty much covers all the bases in a few short pages.
What I love most about this book is that it clearly presents the Gospel message: Grampa tells Little Cub that "we know God loves us because he sent his Son to save us, to help us make good choices and to forgive us when we don't." This book is a great jumping-off point to have age-appropriate conversations with our children about the love and sacrifice of God and Christ. With a solid message of loving others and loving God, this is a book I plan on reading to my babies for a long time!
If you're interested in more books like this one, Lisa Tawn Bergren has other beautiful books along the same vein... you can check out her website here. You can also see more of her Author's Bio here.
I truly do love this book, but just to be completely transparent, "I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review."
You've heard it said that it takes a village to raise a child. In modern-day America, we call this concept a community. I keep meaning to post this, but just haven't taken the time to sit down and actually write it! I am so thankful for the community that God has blessed us with here. I have a great group of girlfriends, and we get together every Tuesday night for girls' night. Just us girls- no kids, and whatever suits our fancy that night. Snacks, chocolate, wine, conversation, movies, crafts, coupons and talking. Lots of talking. We bounce ideas back and forth, discuss hot-topic issues, marriage things, kid stuff, fashion, cooking and dreams- everything is on the table, including the masks we may wear elsewhere. Every week as I head back home, refreshed from time with my "peeps" I am so thankful. I love doing life with people. But the thing that means the most to me is how much my friends in this community love not only me (and Sean), but my daughter as well. When I think about my 'community,' I think about Gia's first birthday party. After Gia had smashed into her little cake, she was covered in pink icing- exactly what I wanted for pictures! Without me even asking, some of my girlfriends scooped her up and took her over to the sink to clean her off. In the moment, I was overwhelmed with thanksgiving, love and joy for my friends who so effortlessly cared for my entire family. I had to snap a couple of pictures because to me, that moment illustrated the epitome of "community." This is my village, and I love them!

I love the summer Olympics and I am so excited to see the opening ceremonies tomorrow! Gia and I are getting together with our girls gang tomorrow night to watch all the festivities, and I thought she needed a cheery shirt in support of the grand occasion. I'll be sure to update after tomorrow with a picture of Miss Cuteness herself in the onesie.
Today I am celebrating and praising God for 15 years in recovery from an eating disorder. On July 17, 1997, I went to my first in-patient treatment center for anorexia. It was a long and difficult start on the road to recovery- and I have to say "first" treament center because I did relapse and have to go in-patient again a year of so later. But that hot, summer day in Arizona was the beginning of an incredible healing story that God chose to work out in my life. I cannot believe that it was 15 years ago today that it happened. So much of it is a blur, and yet the feelings are so real. Today I watched a recovery video that I made 5 years ago when it was the 10th anniversary of my start to recovery. I looked at the faces of my friends, and was so deeply saddened because some of them were never able to loosen the grasps of their eating disorders, and they have passed away because of the disesases. Some friends are still struggling greatly, and a few are living awesomely whole and healthy lives. I do not take one single day of healthy living for granted, as I am sorely aware that many people who struggle with eating disorders will do so their whole lives. But as I've said before, our God is healer! He is power and mighty to redeem that which is His and He longs for healing in our broken hearts! God has healed me and freed me from the snares of anorexia, and for that I am eternally grateful. May I live my life fully in such a way that God's healing and redemptive power is evident to and possible for all.
I think about the amazing things that have changed in the past 15 years. One does a lot of growing up between the years of 16 and 31. A lot! Being in recovery has made all the difference in the world, too. Recovery has brought a restoration of family relationships. It has brought rejoicing in the every day simplicities of food and fun. And it has shown the redeeming power of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, that all who call on Him will be saved! As we always said in the AA meetings I attended throughout my high school years, Today I am grateful to be in recovery. I don't write about this very often on my blog, but I've dug up some past posts about my journey if you're interested. The one entitled "She's Not Sick Anymore" has the recovery video from 5 years ago. I know I've said it before, but I will say it again: there is hope, and there is healing in Jesus Christ!
Why Church Matters is a re-release of Joshua Harris's book previously published as Stop Dating the Church. Along with the new title comes small group discussion questions at the end of the book, a helpful addition. Joshua Harris is probably most well-known as the author of the controversial anti-dating relationship book,I Kissed Dating Goodbye." While I appreciate Harris's approach to dating, I don't completely agree with him on everything related to that, but I was still excited to read this book. My husband is a youth minister, and with the church being such a big part of our lives, I have to say I completely agree with Harris in "Why Church Matters."
As Christians, we are all part of the Church body, that is the Bride of Christ. That's the big picture, and while grasping this concept is critical to living your life to the fulness that Christ intends, understanding the smaller picture is also important-- the local church. Harris writes, "to be part of the universal church isn't enough... Every Christian is called to be passionately committed to a specific local church." He goes on to flesh out in the following chapters exactly how involvement the local church is critical-- as in NOT optional-- to spiritual growth and health for all Christians.
Harris calls out a growing population of church attendees... the church "daters." He explains that "experts describe America as a nation of 'believers' but not 'belongers'." However, the problem does not solely lie with the attendees, but with the churches themselves. Too many of our churches today are me-centered, and we are quick to adapt that mindset ourselves. As a pastor's wife, I cannot tell you how many complaints I have heard about Sunday mornings. The sad part is, 99% of them are me-centered. The music was too loud, too dated, too high of a key; the sanctuary was too hot, too cold, the seats too noisy or uncomfortable; the preacher's message was too long, etc, etc, etc. You know what I hear when I hear those kinds of things? "ME! ME! ME! ME! ME!" Harris is spot-on when he writes that "we go [to church] for what we can get-- social interaction, programs, or activities. The driving question is, 'What can church do for me?'" You don't have to look very far into the New Testament book of Acts to learn that this is NOT what church is about. I've been a part of a church that was all about the "health and wealth prosperity" as opposed to the true Gospel message. If we can begin to grasp how near and dear to the heart of God His Church is, we will have no other option but to fully commit ourselves to involvement in a local church. Harris says it well when he writes about the bigger picture importance of the church: "The church matters because Jesus chose it to tell and show the world the message of His love. And this message, carried forward through history and lived out for all to see, it the world's only hope." He goes on the say "God has not only saved us; He has invited us to participate in His master plan of redeeming a people for His glory." As Christians, being part of a local church is our duty, our calling and our privilege.
Harris does a great job explaining why the Church is Christ's passion, and why he still calls us his bride. He also addresses many of the excuses people have for not going to church. I have to be honest that I saw myself in some of these excuses. When we were part of the "health and wealth" style of church, I have to admit, I was not a regular attendee and I was anything but passionate about getting involved there. Though some if it had to do with the church, it also had to do with my attitude. I am so thankful that we have moved on to an amazing, God-centered, Bible preaching, Gospel-living church family. My attitude has also changed... I see the importance of getting involved, investing my time and energy in the church and our surrounding community. But even now, I hear complaints and excuses from others who are not getting involved, or who do not see the importance of gathering weekly to worship. Harris puts out a bold statement (as he is known for doing) that "for sincere followers of Christ, there Bible allows no disconnect" for a believer to be connected to the universal Church yet have no link to a local church. Charles Spurgeon writes that for a Christian, failure to join a church is disobedience. "It is in the local church that we are attached to God's work around the world." And as Christians, isn't that our ultimate joy and purpose in life? To bring glory to God and to make his name known to the nations?
I could rave on and on about this book, but I"ll sum it all up by just saying "Read it!" Whether you are a CEO Christian (Christmas and Easter Only), a spotty, here-and-there attender, or a regular, committed part of a local church, this book is for you. It is honest and hard-hitting without tearing the reader down. As someone who has devoted my life to service in the church, it could be easy for me to tell other people to get involved. I get so fired up reading about the early churches from the book of Acts. I love studying the epistles to churches in Galatia, Ephesus, Corinth and Philippi. But it goes much deeper than that- I have a passion for the greater, unified Church, and believe that every single Christian can have that same passion too. Not only can they have it, but the should have it. And part of living out that passion is plugging in to a local church. Towards the end of his book, Harris gives some great pointers on finding a church that is solid and Christ-centered. But the bottom line is this: no more excuses. Find a church to get plugged in to, commit yourself to developing a relationship there, and serve that local church with all you've got!
You can read an excerpt from Chapter One of Why Church Matters HERE.
You can buy the book on Amazon HERE.
(Full disclosure: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.)
My July Birchbox arrived in the mail today- I was so excited! From the moment Gia woke up she was just as fussy as she was adorable today. Add record high temperatures and you've got the makings of a tired day. This perked me right up! I absolutely love everything in this box!! Which really excites me because the past few months, there have been a couple of items I was just like, "meh" about. But I love all of this! On to the goodies....
(From left to right)
Sheer Glo Shimmer Lotion- this looks intriguing. It says to mix it with foundation or use it as a highlighter. Since I don't use foundation in the summer, I am going to try the highlighting option.
Blinc mascara- SO STOKED about this! In fact, I've been holding off buying new mascara in the hopes that I would get one in a Birchbox soon! This is the full-sized item. Score! Worth the $10 right there.
Minteas Mints- Haven't tried these yet, but the little tin they come in is super cute!
Julot lip gloss- I LOVE THIS! I tried it on as soon as I opened the box. It makes my lips look very nautrally shiny. But it tints them the shade that I wish they naturally were, then just adds some gloss. It stays on really well, too.
Ear buds- I always need an extra pair of these for the gym! Woo hoo!
Oscar de la Renta Live in Love fragrance- I love OdlR. In fact, my bedspread is Oscar de la Renta. This is a great scent, though it doesn't seem totally summer-y to me. I think I will just tuck it away until fall or winter. Am I the only one who is kinda weird about scents like that? I like them to match the seasons.
On another note: for my fellow Birchbox subscribers, do you guys have any creative recycling uses for the box? Its such a great, sturdy box, I really hate to throw it away. I can keep them for gift wrapping at christmas, but was wondering if anyone had any other great ideas. :)
Years ago- almost 20 years ago, actually- I was in a small group at church. It was just a group of several other girls my age, and an adult leader. To be honest, I don't really remember much about the group- things we did, books we studied, or places we went. (I have some memory problems. Don't really know why- we'll blame genetics? But I think this makes me even more grateful for the distant memories I do have.) But I do remember very clearly one conversation I had with my small group leader. She has 3 boys, and in our small group she told us of a conversation she had with one of them when they were little. They were driving somewhere and the sun was shining through the clouds. You know, the way it does when streams of light eminate from behind the big, puffy wisps. When her little boy asked "Mommy, what is that?" she simply replied, "That's just God showing us His glory."
A simple story, but 20 years later, I've not forgotten it. Every time I see clouds like that in the sky, I remember what she said. And I remember to praise God for his amazing creation, his marvelous works, and I am humbled by his goodness in choosing to allow me to see a glimpse of his glory in this way. I write this story for two reasons. One: Next time you see a sky like this, remember it is God showing us his glory through creation. And secondly: You never know the impact you will have on someone's life. Mentoring is an amazing gift that you can give to someone. Investing just a few short hours each week in a young person's life can change the way they think forever. For me, I knew Christ and had a relationship with him from an early age. My small group leader's time and influence helped me to apply that "head knowledge" of God to my heart, and still to this day is reminding me of the goodness of God. Where are you investing your time? Or maybe I should say, in whom are you investing your time? There's a generation of young people looking for someone to show them a different way than the world. Will you be the one to do that? Thanks, Kim, for investing your heart into mine.
Oh, and this was the sky above our house tonight. Isn't God awesome?!
Sean and I took these pics after we got home from our yummy luch on our anniversary. I had the camera set on multiple shoot settings, and here's the results:

gif creator at gickr.com

gif creator at gickr.com