Take a break from your probably busy day and hop over to this UH-MAZING cottage overhaul. Grogeous. This is everything I'd want my home to be but don't know where to start! GORGEOUS! I'm definitely adding this one to my blogroll!Cottage8Aren't you curious to see what this "Before" shot turned into????? ...
Just another reminder that we serve a faithful God. As we are walking this new adventure, we are holding onto the Trust that God is in control and placing all our Hopes in Christ.Just 2 months ago, we were celebrating the start of what we thought would be our journey towards our first child....(Filling out our application and child request for an Ethiopian...
So, here's how it all went down when I found out I was pregnant. Sean went to Spirit West Coast on July 29, and I took my first PT on July 30. After so many years of seeing only one line on those things, I couldn't be sure I was seeing correctly. So what's a girl to do? Call her best friend, of...
I don't even know where to begin, but this will be kinda short, with more to follow in the coming days. To make a really long story short, I'm pregnant! I've known I was pregnant for about 3 weeks now. It has been so hard to keep it a secret! I thought that I was about 8 or 9 weeks along now, but...
So I just finished reading the book of Genesis. I started on Saturday, so that means it took 4 days to go from Creation to the death of Joseph. Whew! It feels like a whirlwind already. Before I started this reading, I tried to think of a few "themes" that I wanted to look at throughout the Bible. If you read much of...
So, it all started with a project for my brother-in-law's youth room at his church in Arizona. He asked me to cut out their group's mission statement from vinyl so he could put it up on his wall. I, of course, had to try it out before I could just send them something that I wasn't sure how to work. So here's my...
Ok, here's my revised schedule for B90X, starting tomorrow. I think you should be able to right click, Save as, then print it. Let me know if you can't do that and I can email you a PDF version of it if you want! This is gonna be intense! ...
Our dear friends and former NC neighbors, Clayton & Holly are visiting our old town in Roanoke Rapids, NC this week. Clayton send Sean this picture from his phone:Its our old home! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this little house. I opened the email that Sean forwarded me from Clayton and almost wanted to cry! I love this place so much. It...
I don't twitter. And I don't twitter on purpose. There are several reasonings behind this, but mainly because I really don't need one more thing to keep up with. Well, that, and the fact that I really don't care if you're sitting in Starbucks listening to the latest Kings of Leon CD, or driving your car down I-95 at midnight. BUT, all that...
I promise some very read-worthy and exciting posts are coming... just not yet. I will get back on the band-wagon soon. I promise! We're in the midst of some MAJOR life changes here. Here's a sneak preview of life change #1:I have a new job! That's all for now, but I am super excited about it. The whole thing has "GOD" written all...