
Teething, Scripture, Strong Will & Tears

Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Gia has been a mess of teething pain lately.  Several weeks ago, she had almost a week straight of moderate fevers and sore gums- but no teeth to show at the end of it!  This week she's been in even more teething pain but thankfully, there is at least one dagger that has made it through the surface of her gums.  I'll tell...


Fancy Nancy on Totsy!

Sunday, August 19, 2012
Oh my goodness!  I am so excited about the.  For the first time ever, Fancy Nancy is on the super baby sale site, Totsy!  I'm sure you know who Fancy Nancy is, but do you know about Totsy?  Its a great website that runs new deals every day on great kids' items.  You just sign up for an account, then shop away!  You...



15 Months Update!

Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Gia had her 15 month check-up today!  She is doing great!  She's now grown from the 7th percentile in weight up to the 25th percentile!  Her height and head circumference are also right on track.  Despite a week of fever and fussiness, she still only has 6 teeth to speak of.  Though I do think there may be another one on the bottom...