Celebrate! Going to the Dentist
Friday, March 03, 2017
Joanna went to her first dentist appointment a few weeks ago. Oh, how I wish I’d had this book then! While she wound up doing pretty great, I know she was super nervous while waiting to be seen by the dentist. Celebrate! Going to the Dentist is the perfect book to read with your little ones before they visit the dentist. Whether it is your child's first time at the dentist, or if they’ve been going regularly for a while, this book is sure to entertain and affirm that going to the dentist is fun and a healthy thing to do to take care of ourselves.
As with all of the MVP Kids books, I LOVE the illustrations. They are bold and engaging. My three-year-old kept wanting to look at each page for a long time, pointing out every detail in the pictures.
This text of this book also covers just about everything I can think of when it comes to a regular dentist visit. Each page joyfully walks your child through the routine of a dentist visit— from hopping up in the great big chair, to meeting the dentist, to brushing, flossing and counting the teeth. Its all there! Funny enough, the big chair was the part of the dentist visit that intimidated Joanna the most. I love the way Celebrate! Going to the Dentist puts a fun twist on it!

I just love this book. Even better, my kids love this book and beg to read it often. We will certainly be reading it before our next dentist visit as well!
If you are interested in this book or one of the other MVP Kids books, hop on over to KickStarter to preorder your book(s) now. There are special perks and great prices for getting in on the Real MVP Kids books right now!!!
For instance, if you pledge $15 or more, you get your choice of TWO board books PLUS free PDF coloring pages of their 16 MVP Kids characters! Shipping is also free within the US. That is an AMAZING price. Think birthday, christmas, gifts, etc. For just $25 you get to choose 4 board books, and for only $50 you can receive all 8 (EIGHT!) books in the Celebrate! Board Book series. That is incredible!!! You cannot buy high quality board books for that price anywhere.
You can learn more about the mission of MVP Kids check out their website. And don’t forget to share these websites and links with your friends, family, doctors, dentists, teachers, etc!
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