
Introducing MVP Kids Media

Thursday, March 02, 2017

Growing Up Well Just Got Easier for Children 
Regardless of Background, Ethnicity or Special Needs

I am SO EXCITED to introduce you to a brand new series of children’s books. I am going to be posting reviews of the individual books in this series, but first I wanted to tell you a little bit about them.

MVP Kids Media is an Arizona-based media company. They have recently launched the first in a series of new children’s books. This revolutionary new series is specifically designed to entertain children, instill character and navigate the complexities of growing up well in today’s world. Through the stars of their products, a cast of sixteen characters from diverse cultural, ethnic and experiential backgrounds, any child can quickly identify and empathize with the MVP Kids™ and their real-life situations. *from their press release*

Each title in this first series of board books for toddlers explores something new and/or exciting that focuses on social, emotional and educational needs. Titles include:
  • Celebrate! Going to the Dentist
  • Celebrate! Going to the Doctor
  • Celebrate! Our Differences
  • Celebrate! BedTime
  • Celebrate! MealTime
  • Celebrate! Flying Colors
  • Celebrate! Mommies and Daddies
  • Celebrate! Grandpas and Grandmas
Along with bright, engaging, beautifully illustrated pages and simple but fun and engaging stories are another unique aspect of MVP Kids™ Media books: Helpful teaching tips for parents are included with each story. These tips further the entire family’s preparation and interaction with each subject. Not only will your kids learn honorable character values, but as a parent you will gain insightful tips on how to talk about a myriad of topics with even your littles kids. The conversations are fun and designed to help you foster a deeper relationship with your children.

These tips are divided into three categories: Informing Minds helps parents guide their children into a deeper understanding of the subject matter of the book; Moving Hearts helps parents and children connect emotionally to each other and to the book’s theme; and Directing Hands gives practical actions, crafts and activities to help children gain hands-on experience.

Another thing that makes the MVP Kids™ series different from any other book series is that the MVP Kids™ characters will grow up as the series progresses. So while this first set of books is written for toddlers in board book format, future books will be targeted towards the preschool, elementary and then adolescent years. Our MVP Kids™ represent a wide range of ethnic and cultural diversity and are the stars of our products. The sixteen MVP Kids™, along with their parents, siblings and other family members, make up twelve families. An important goal of establishing our MVP Kids™  throughout the product lines is to create familiarity and friendship for readers, a basis of trust to address serious life issues and challenges in products for maturing children. The products follow the MVP Kids™ as they grow from toddlers to adolescents. (You can meet the full cast of characters on their website!)

Overall, the mission of MVP Kids™ Media is to help parents and mentors instill wisdom filled with hope and light, and that is definitely something I can get on board with. (Get it, “board” with… board books… hehe.) Currently, they are in the middle of an awesome KickStarter campaign that is running through March 21, 2017. This is where you can preorder your books and help support their efforts to get this series published and in the hands of many, many people. I hope that you will take a minute to look at their website, check out the Kick Starter and then order books for your family, friends, grandkids, classrooms, etc. And please, be sure to SHARE SHARE SHARE with everyone you know about MVP Kids™!

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