
April Reads

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

I can't believe that another month has flown by!!! I only read 4 books this past month BUT that is because I've been super busy about a new endeavor I've begun.... I joined SeneGence International as an Independent Consultant. Their flagship product is LipSense which is an amazing lip color that lasts up to 18 hours!! It is truly incredible. BUT that's not all-- their other cosmetics stay through EVERYTHING too-- swimming, sweating, sleeping-- everything! If you are interested in any of these products let me know! But... thats not what I'm writing about today. Today it is my April Books!

So none of these books stood out to me as monumental or anything. They were mostly just decent novels that entertained as they were meant to entertain. My favorites this month would have to be a toss up between Maybe In Another Life and Good As Gone. One is suspense, the other is more chick-lit but they were both very well written. Missing was a shorter novella but definitely had me guessing for a long time. It was pretty good. But finally... YOU. I did not like this book very much at all... the writing was incredibly crass and just read as uneducated. However, the story line was somewhat interesting, as I felt like I had to plug through till the end. This is the first in a series of books by the same author, and while this first one kept me reading to the end, I will NOT be picking up any of the others. So there are my April reads... not super inspiring but some months you pick winners, others not so much. SO what have you been reading this month?

Also, here's a quick look at my 2017 reading challenge to date (I am 4 books ahead!!):

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