He Is Faithful
Thursday, October 15, 2009I'm re-using this title, and honestly I don't remember what the first post I used this title for was about. But its still true... He is faithful.
People all around me are hurting... from the temporary inconveniences of sickness, to the longer lasting pain of spousal separation and even death.
Every where I look, I see the evidences of a fallen world. The evidence is in the friend I talked to earlier this week... she wanted to be the first to tell me that she and her husband are separated. I was in their wedding, she means the world to me. And I hate to see her hurting.
The evidence of this fallen world is in the 14 year old girl I met today who's mother left her alone to care for her 4 young siblings.
The evidence of this fallen world is in the death of man who just last week chose to end his life instead of walk through the hard times.
The evidence is in friendships that Satan wants so badly to build walls and distractions in... he causes rifts and disillusionments where there shouldn't be.
But as always, in all things, God is good. And the evidence is EVERYWHERE.
The evidence of His goodness is in the young woman I saw last week who wanted so badly just to be out of her current situation, but this week she came in for an ultrasound and chose life for the little one God is creating inside of her.
The evidence of His faithfulness is in the way he is protecting loved ones from illnesses in delicate times.
The evidence of His almighty saving grace is in the young couple who both came to know and accept Christ today-- they thought they were just coming in for a pregnancy test. But because of HIS goodness, not just two lives were changed, but the third life, of their growing little one will be forever changed, too.
God is good all the time. I am reminded of that over and over. Sometimes it is so much easier to see the bad things and to recognize the presence of Satan, but we have to fight against that and see all the GOOD that God is doing!
So where are you seeing the goodness of God in your every day life?
0 Lovely Words
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