Wednesday, May 05, 2010So my 10 year high school reunion is this summer. Yikes! I mean, really?!?! 10 years?
I was teaching sex ed yesterday and today at one of our high schools. I taught 8 classes of 88 minutes each... that's a lot of talking in two days! In my presentation I talk about how waiting until you are married to have sex can seem like a really long wait... but in relation to the rest of your life, its really not that long. I wish I could get all of them to see just how quickly time truly flies by.
So here I am... 10 years after high school graduation. My life is not AT ALL like I thought it would be. In a lot ways, its way better than I ever dreamed. I'm married to an incredible man who treats me better than any guy I ever dated before. I have two of the world's most awesome kitties-- seriously, just ask anyone who's met them. They're pretty much the shiz. I have a great job-- one that I would say is pretty much my 'reality' dream job. You know, its not like I'm a location scout for movies or a high fashion magazine editor which would be my dream dream job, but I do have my 'reality' dream job-- watching Christ save and heal hearts, lives and souls one person at a time.
In a lot of ways, though, my life is nothing like I thought it would be. I never ever ever in a million years EVER (did I say NEVER?) wanted to live in California. Ever. Never. Never ever. And yet, here we are... living our lives in California. I thought for sure, by this point in my life I would have children. Lately I've been telling Sean how it sucks to be so old and not have had any kids yet. He always gently reminds me that we do have a child. Of course, he knows what I mean, but it still sucks to be feeling like I'm 'back at square one' and nearing 30 years old.
10 years ago, I thought I knew who I was going to marry. I thought I knew where I would live, and planned out at what ages I would have my kids. But just like my buddy Garth sings, I'm so glad I didn't know the way it would go. I am so thankful to be where I am in life... with my husband, with our lives, with our ministries, with everything. Of course the only thing that would make it better is if Whitney were here with us, completing the picture and filling in the gap. But even in that, I know that God has great things in store for us.
So... 10 years. Wow. REALLY!?! :-)
All these pictures are from my Senior year... I am so blessed with such incredible friends! And so blessed that even though many miles separate us, we are still a part of each others' lives!

And finally, our last Santa picture. We took one every year, starting my first year at Metro in 7th grade! Such great times.
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