
Happy Tick Tock Day!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
It is Tick Tock Day today... the day when you are supposed to frantically run around trying to accomplish all the goals or resolutions that you set for yourself 363 days ago, but have yet to complete.  I looked back at my blog and I did make a few "resolutions" last year.... here's what I wrote:Well, I'm not really a fan of resolutions....


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 26, 2008
Newsletter 08 Publish at Scribd or explore others: PS- Click the linkie at the top and it will make this bigger so you can read it! ...


What would you do?

Sunday, December 21, 2008
What would you do if you were already the Queen of Daytime Talk, the Goddess of Giving and all things Good, had more money (and homes) than you had enough hours to enjoy it/them and your best friend has just won the biggest election of the century?  Why, you find a mansion next door to your best friend!That is exactly what Oprah is...



Friday Foto

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Our tree is in our dining room this year, so the photos in the middle are some of the table decorations!  My parents are flying in tomorrow!  I'm so exctied- they're gonna be here for 10 days!  I have to work most of those days, but hopefully we will get some good quality time, despite that.  I have been crazily cleaning all evening...


Until Next Season....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Is anyone else obsessed with this show?  If you're not, its only because you A) haven't seen it yet or B) couldn't get past the shock of the first few episodes.  Now, I can totally understand the second option, and I'm not usually one to recommend things on Shotime.... but it really is a 'hooking' show.... I bought in hook, line and sinker....



Rain Today

Monday, December 15, 2008
We have this beautiful skylight in the entryway of our house.  As I am sitting here on the couch (watching the Survivor Finale-go Bob- and awaiting the Dexter Finale), I can hear the pinging of rain as it hits the glass on the skylight.  I love rain.  I don't care what all these crazy West coast people say about the sun and how...




Saturday, December 13, 2008
So it is less than two weeks before Christmas and the only decorations up in our house are those that my wonderful husband has lovingly dug out and put up.  He wanted to start a new tradition this year, one that his family did for as long as he could remember and that was celebrating St. Nick's Day.  If you know me or my...



He's Better Than Edward

Friday, December 12, 2008
So I finally saw Twilight, the movie.  After devouring all four books in a matter of weeks (only because I drug the last one out as long as I could stand), I was anxiously awaiting the movie.  I guess I know how those crazy Harry Potter fans feel now.  I had a friend who used to take a sick day from work whenever...


Bullet Form

Tuesday, December 09, 2008
As I seem to be at a creative road block (going on 13 months of that....), today's update will be in bullet form, as it comes to my brain:* My mind just went blank... really.... i had like 15 bullets, then it just went away.... ever have days like that? .... hum deee dum.... oh yes, its coming back....* I wonder if I...


Catching up Again

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
So... a while ago I promised to fill in some outlines of thoughts I had at the NMC a few weeks ago.  I know that there's maybe only one or two people who read this blog, and of those two, neither would really care if I did or did not expound on the topics I promised to....but it'll bug me if I don't...


My Niece

Monday, December 01, 2008