Happy Tick Tock Day!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Well, I'm not really a fan of resolutions. In fact, I don't remember the last time I made a new year's resolution. I've been thinking about it a lot this year, and have decided to make some resolutions. But its almost like I need a new word for it.... to me, the word "resolution" almost inevitably denotes a promise you don't intend to keep. But, whatever the word is, I've decided to make a list. And I think the reason I've avoided resolutions in recent years is because I have just been plain lazy....... so we'll see. I'm up for a challenge and some positive changes! :-) So here goes....So, that's what I wrote then... I must say that this year, I am going to bring back the tried and true tradition of resolutions... I'm throwing my negative connotations of the word right out my window, and will be pondering some serious goal-setting over the next two days as to what my 2009 goals will be. So stay tuned. I find that in years past, saying that I am not really a "fan" of resolutions is just my way of wimping out on goal-setting responsibility. So it will be making an appearance in the new year in my life.
2008 Resolutions:
1. Start and finish some of the Bible studies that I have been wanting to do for years.... some I've even started but didn't get past week one.
2. Keep up with this blog ("keep up" is a relative term... so I'll aim for weekly updates, at least).
3. Scrapbook- finish college and some of my vacations and trips
But, with today being Tick Tock Day and all... I thought I'd reflect for a moment on how I did with the (very) few goals I set last year.
1. Start and finish some of the Bible Studies I've been wanting to.... I find that much like a book with a pretty cover, or a brand new journal with a groovy graphic on the front, devotionals hold the same novelty for me. I failed at this goal this year, but have found that nothing really beats the Bible when it comes to studying God's word. That being said, I did just get a new study that I am really excited about though... Beth Moore's study on John.... anyone done that one? I'm gonna have to grade myself with a big fat "F" for this one, though.
2. Keep up with this blog... I think I've actually done a pretty decent job of that. And I intend to continue to do so this coming year. I like reading all ya'll's blogs, so its only fair I share a bit with you too! :-) I'd say I get an "A-"
3. Scrapbook some of my trips, etc.... Well, I didn't finish a single scrapbook album this year, but I did do a lot more scrapbooking and card making that I did last year! So that is a plus.... I'll give myself a "B" in this area.
So, there's my tick tock day reflection. I sure am glad I didn't say that I resolved to lose 20 pounds in 2008... that'd be kinda hard to do in just under 48 hours. Same thing with having a baby or writing a novel. I think I'll keep that in mind as I'm formulating my New Year's Resolutions this year.
So what about you... what do you need to accomplish on Tick Tock day?
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