Baby 2

26 Weeks Update

Sunday, January 30, 2011
I figured its about time that I start keeping track of pregnancy milestones with Gianna. I kinda wish I'd been doing it all along, but I'm sure you can understand that this has been a difficult--although much welcomed-- journey thus far. I am learning each day what it means to truly have hope... HOPE that Gianna will come home with us and be...


Crock Pot Chicken N Dumplings

Monday, January 24, 2011
Here is the recipe for the Chicken & Dumplings I made tonight... SOOOooooo easy and Sooooooo good!!!2 large frozen chicken breasts2 cans Cream of Chicken soup1 can Chicken broth1 chopped onionGarlic powderItalian seasoningSalt PepperGrands Buttermilk Homestyle Biscuits (the kind you get in the can, unbaked...about 4)Put the chicken in the crock pot. In a bowl, combine everything else but the biscuits. In the...


Designer Gowns?

Sunday, January 23, 2011
We are in full swing of Award show season, also known as, "the most wonderful time of the year" (sung to the tune of the Christmas carol), in my opinion. Social Network swept the Globes, and while I have yet to see that movie (its sitting in my living room right now, to be viewed tonight), I'm hoping it doesn't sweep the Oscars...


Opinions, Please!

Thursday, January 13, 2011
My nesting instincts have kicked into high gear which really sucks because we are moving... and I can't do anything about these urges to organize, decorate and prettify my house. We put our house on the market yesterday, so we have to keep it really clean, and if you've ever tried to sell a house, you know how much that just plain stinks.So,...


Hang WIth Me...

Monday, January 10, 2011
I'm updating my blog design, as its had the same layout for well over a year now... but bear with me as I change it up! It may take a few days! I'm updating my blog design, as its had the same layout for well over a year now... but bear with me as I change it up! It may take a few...