This has been a busy week! We had our first out of town/road trip/over night in a hotel experience with Baby G. I was really nervous about it all, but in the end, she was a perfect angel! Seriously, she slept almost the whole time and was so great. She slept through all the important things that we needed her to sleep thru...
2 weeks already!? Wow! Time is flying by. It could have something to do with this new little princess we have to take care of that is making our days and nights seem shorter than ever! She is gaining weight and already getting close to outgrowing a few of her outfits! Better start playing dress up now to get her in them all!...
One of my favorite blogs is a DIY couple's home blog called Young House Love. And by favorite, I mean I save it to read at the very end of my reader so I look forward to it as I read thru all the others first, just waiting to get to the end and see what the YHLers are up to. :) They...
How Far Along: 40 weeks... 10 months preggo!Size of baby: I know for sure now.... 7 pounds 13 oz.Total Weight Gain: Pregnancy weight gain grand total is............ 40 pounds even. Not too bad... just a little bit above the 25-35 where I'd hoped to stay. But 40 isn't bad. I'm fine with that!Maternity Clothes: Oh yes.Gender: Girl! Gianna NoelleMovement: All this past week...