Book Review: Pirates on the Farm
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
By Denette Fretz, Illustrated by Gene Barretta
The book is wonderfully written by Denette Fretz and beautifully illustrated by Gene Barretta. Though the recommended age for reading this book is 4-8, my almost-three-year-old still loved it. Denette Fretz uses many fun and new "pirate-y" vocabulary, and even includes a mini-dictionary of the terms in the back of the book. It was fun to say these words then have Gia repeat them. The pictures are so colorful and full of action. There are new things to see every time we read the book. Bright, colorful, funny pictures are a must for keeping my little girl's attention while reading and this book did just that!
But the most memorable part of this charming childrens' book is the overall story. A group of unruly, socially unacceptable pirates move into the farmland next to this particular family. The mother is aghast at the new neighbors' unsightly antics, while the two children are somewhat indifferent, if not even curious. But it is the father of the family who sets the most wonderful example of all. He is welcoming to the pirates when everyone else in town shuns them. He helps the inexperienced pirates as they attempt to learn the ways of farming. He even sits beside them during church when everyone else just shifts seats and stares. The leadership of the father of this family is told in a humble but memorable way. And not to spoil the story, but when everyone comes around to loving the pirates in the end, it is truly a lesson worth remembering. There are people we meet everyday who are different than us. They may not have a hook for a hand or a parrot on their shoulder--then again, they might. But everyone is a child of God, worthy of our love and respect. This book is a great lesson in loving your neighbors, even if they are a bit different.
This would make a great Christmas gift for any kid!!
I was given a copy of this book by BookSneeze in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own. I was not required to write a positive review.

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