I can tell a book is going to be really good when I've highlighted nearly the entire introductory chapter. If you follow me on Instagram, you also know that I was one of those annoying people who occasionally posted pictures of highlighted portions of this book as I was reading it. But really, I couldn't help myself. This book is too good not...
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I had some fun ideas for St. Patty's day things to do with Gia, but didn't really get around to working them all out. But I did get these fun shirts made for the girls (see pic below)! Shortly after I took the pics, though, Joanna had a blow out and ruined her. Glad I took the photos as...
This week more than any other so far, I really think Joanna looks like Gia. Not so much even in their 10 week comparisons, but as I was editing this photo I just kept thinking it was Gia! Crazy! Sean was really busy with work this week, and had a lot of meetings and extra obligations he had to tend to. We are...
Years ago, I was in a non-fiction reading rut. Maybe it was the years I'd spent in Bible college with my required reading being heaving subjects on Christian Living that had me trapped in the mindset that if I wasn't reading a book with highlighter and pen in hand, I was wasting my time. Or maybe it was just that I hadn't read...
So my best friend had a big birthday this year. One of those milestone numbers that make you stop and think about every decade you've lived thus far, and all the people & places that filled the past years. I've of course known this birthday was coming up, and for more than a year, I've been thinking that I wanted to make her...
Joanna had her two month check up this week! She weighs 10 pounds, 3 ounces and is 23.5 inches long. Although I do think she's long, that measurement might be a little on the exaggerated side. There is one nurse at our ped's office whose measurements always seem to be a bit generous in relation to all the others'. Either way, baby is...
This past week, my BFF came to visit! It was a Christmas present from Sean, and the best one ever!! It is hard to believe, but its actually been 5 years since we've seen each other in person. Way, way, way too long. We still talk on the phone several times a week, but life just got busy for both of us, and...
To be honest, I'm a little behind in posting my weekly pictures so I don't recall anything spectacular from this week in Joey's life. I take the pictures each week, but getting them onto my computer, editing them and posting them is another story! Life is busy with 2 kiddos! Probably more snow, cold, snow, sitr crazy! ...
This week has been pretty much the same as any other week... we got another downpour of snow. I am so over this winter! Its difficult to find fun things to do. This week was Valentine's Day. Gia was so excited about it! Sean got her a Little Tykes basketball goal, which she LOVES! This week we had a little scare with Joanna-...