Very Important Photo. :-) Very Important Photo. :-) ...
Yesterday was our 5th Anniversary! What a milestone! I was looking back at my blog to see what we did last year for our anniversary, and everything I wrote last year is still how I feel about my husband, but like, 10 times greater!! For our anniversary, we went to dinner at Yosemite Ranch (yummmmm) then we came home and I "surprised" Sean...
Sean and I are doing a sort of fast this week. We are calling it a "non-essential spending fast." Basically, we're not going to buy anything that is a "non-essential" item. It sounds like a great idea, but as of Day One, we are already learning its not as easy as it sounds. Example: I cooked/baked all morning (special cookies for hubby) and...
But you can't take the youth ministry out of him!! Check out this funny video that Sean and our Jr Hi Pastor, Jimmy did... its a promo for their summer swim parties. Hillarious! ...
I had such a great time in Tulsa this past week. Here's just some highlights from my week... dinner at Joe's with my BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD!!!!!!, Nana & Pa, Youth Group friend Meagan, and fun times with my Metro Girls! It was such a great week, my heart is full. ...
The very first album I ever remember listening to (and yes, I mean album, as in old school records) was Michael Jackson's Bad album. The very first music video I ever saw was Thriller on MTV, and I was more than a little freaked out. (Coincidentally, my mom told me that MTV stood for "Monster Television" and because of that video, I totally...
Its difficult to let go of a dream and realize that nothing in life is really under much of my own control. It is difficult to have to switch my visions of the future, how I thought my life would play out, all in one day. BUT...It is exciting to let go of my own, small picture dreams and realize that God has...
This weekend's message at church was about asking God, or making requests of him in our prayers. It was interesting how the pastor pointed out examples after examples of how prayers are simply asking God to do something or move in some way. While I wouldn't characterize prayer as simply "asking", I do believe that asking things of God is encouraged time after...
Even though this home is different than my usual taste of wide, wrap-around porches, vinyl siding and plantation shutters (yes I love the Souther style!), I think I could definitely live HERE. I love the colors in the rooms (though not crazy about the blue and yellow bathrooms) but that built in office is TO DIE FOR! Oh, and not to mention the...
First off, let me apologize for being such a horrible blogger as of late. I've fallen in love with my google reader, and therefore make no effort to come to my blogger homepage. Ever. But I plan on trying to change that this summer. :-) Not like summers mean anything in the adult world, because its the same 'ol, same 'ol. But you...
I thought I'd share with the rest of the world one of my all-time favorite blogs. Kate over at Centsational Girl does some absolutely amazing things with paint! I never cease to be amazed by her thrift store transformations.... here a sneak peek.... This latest conversion of brassy to classy is absolutely stunning.... go to her blog to see more! Warning: You may get...