Oscars 11

Oscars 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011
"Its the most wonderful time.... of the year!" Yes, friends, its that time of year again.... the Oscars are upon us! Years ago, my besties and I had the greatest Oscar party ever... complete with a red carpet pre-show and our own golden statues. Its been years since then, and I haven't had a single Oscar party since. But, I am hoping that...




Wednesday, February 23, 2011
February 20-26 is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. As my friends and family know, I've been in recovery from an ED for nearly 14 years. I am eternally thankful to my parents and my friends who sought the help I needed, when I couldn't ask for it myself. After two stays at in-patient treatment centers, I am grateful and thankful to be able...


Baby 2

29 Weeks!

Monday, February 21, 2011
Oh my goodness... seriously, 29 weeks?!?! Yippppeeeee yaaaaay!!!!How Far Along: 29 WeeksSize of baby: Gianna is about the size of a butternut squash and should weigh between 2-3 pounds.Total Weight Gain: I had an unscheuled dr. appt. this week and I have gained 17 total pounds... so that is one pound a week since my last check-up, which is right on track! I...


We {Heart} It

Friday, February 18, 2011
I used to have a "happy list." I wrote it on a scroll of calculator receipt paper, and just kept adding to it. I kept it tacked up to my bedroom wall, and by the time I moved out of home, the list was from my ceiling to my floor, and then some. I haven't done one of those in years, but I...


Baby 2

28 Weeks

Sunday, February 13, 2011
HELL-O, third trimester!!! Woo hoo!! We're 2/3 of the way there! Yesterday was my 28 week day, and was also Whitney's birthday. It was very bittersweet, to say the least. Check out Whitney's blog for details on what we did on her special day. :) Sean got me these beautiful flowers for my Grand entry into the 3rd Trimester.How Far Along: 28 WeeksSize...


Baby 2

27 Weeks

Saturday, February 05, 2011
How Far Along: 27 WeeksSize of baby: Gianna is about the size of a head of cauliflower and weighs almost 2 pounds. Its so weird to think that she weighs that much! I'm curious if she is really that big, since she's been a little on the small side. Total Weight Gain: I'm going to guess about 15 pounds. As of my last...