Investing In Hearts

Monday, July 16, 2012

Years ago- almost 20 years ago, actually- I was in a small group at church.  It was just a group of several other girls my age, and an adult leader.  To be honest, I don't really remember much about the group- things we did, books we studied, or places we went.  (I have some memory problems.  Don't really know why- we'll blame genetics?  But I think this makes me even more grateful for the distant memories I do have.)  But I do remember very clearly one conversation I had with my small group leader.  She has 3 boys, and in our small group she told us of a conversation she had with one of them when they were little.  They were driving somewhere and the sun was shining through the clouds.  You  know, the way it does when streams of light eminate from behind the big, puffy wisps.  When her little boy asked "Mommy, what is that?" she simply replied, "That's just God showing us His glory."

A simple story, but 20 years later, I've not forgotten it.  Every time I see clouds like that in the sky, I remember what she said.  And I remember to praise God for his amazing creation, his marvelous works, and I am humbled by his goodness in choosing to allow me to see a glimpse of his glory in this way.  I write this story for two reasons.  One: Next time you see a sky like this, remember it is God showing us his glory through creation.  And secondly: You never know the impact you will have on someone's life.  Mentoring is an amazing gift that you can give to someone.  Investing just a few short hours each week in a young person's life can change the way they think forever.  For me, I knew Christ and had a relationship with him from an early age.  My small group leader's time and influence helped me to apply that "head knowledge" of God to my heart, and still to this day is reminding me of the goodness of God.  Where are you investing your time?  Or maybe I should say, in whom are you investing your time?  There's a generation of young people looking for someone to show them a different way than the world.  Will you be the one to do that?  Thanks, Kim, for investing your heart into mine.  

Oh, and this was the sky above our house tonight.  Isn't God awesome?!

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