Little Man Baby Shower: Games!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Baby shower games are a little tricky.  Some are quirky, other are embarassing but most are just outright over-done.  But we came up with two baby shower games that were a blast!  Our guests had a great time, and it wasn't too terribly time consuming.  First up, we played "Name That 'Stache!"  We printed off pictures of famous celebrities with mustaches (and a couple non-famous family members of the mom-to-be) then posted them on a window.  We had answer sheets for everyone to fill in their best guesses.  (We had the guests mosey over to the window after they were finished eating, so that it didn't get too crowded trying to have everyone do it all at once.)

There were several people who had the same number corret, so for a tie breaker for the prize, we had them guess how many days pregnant Heather was on that very day.  (We found a calculator online that did the math for us.)

Our prizes (though I forgot to take a picture) were coffee cup cozies with mustache designs on them and $5 Starbucks gift cards.

The other game we played was Baby Shower Trivia.  I put together this trivia sheet, and had the guests answer them.  The tie breaker for this game was the traditional shower game of "how big is mom's belly."

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