Book Review: The Blessed Woman

Saturday, June 29, 2013

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I had high hopes for Debbie Morris's book "The Blessed Woman." Just glancing at the table of contents had me a wee bit giddy... The book promised to delve into the lives of some well-known women of the Bible (like Eve, Mary and Esther) but would also examine the examples put forth by some lesser known characters as well (such as Jael and Zipporah).  I love gleaning new information on people of the Bible that are not commonly studied.

However, it wasn't very far into the book before I began to bristle with discomfort at Morris's writing. I had no idea who Debbie Morris or her husband were prior to picking up "The Blessed Woman" but by page 6, I had learned about just how "successful" and "blessed" this couple has been with a church attendance averaging over 20,000 per week, a television show, conference and magazine.  At the risk of sounding a bit jaded, I'm just not into people like that. I am not trying to pass judgement on someone I don't know, or presume that their ministry is a sham--its obviously ministering to many, many people.  However, I have been a part of the whole "mega church" movement (my husband was a pastor) and I'm really honestly over it.

Despite my initial distaste for the way Ms. Morris talked about their ministry, I forged through to the next chapter. Sadly, I found much of the same thing that was in the first chapter-- a lot of chatter about her or her husbands ministry and influential position, and very little about the woman of the Bible the chapter was supposed to be covering. Chapter after chapter, I continued reading. I underlined a few interesting thoughts here and there, but overall, I was sorely disappointed in the content of this book. 

Again, I know nothing more of this author than what she has written in this book. And perhaps my discomfort with her personal subject matter has more to do with my own personal experience than anything else. But isn't that what makes something appealing to one person and not so to another? Sadly, I cannot say I would recommend this book to anyone else. If you are looking for a study on women of the Bible, this probably isn't the one for you.

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