So a few days ago, I put up an inspiration board for our girl's room (if its a girl) and of course couldn't leave out the other possibility that it is a boy... so here's our Boy's room inspiration. We will hopefully find out in another month or so what we are having!Click on the one below to go to the site where...
Have you ever tried Polyvore? OMG it is soooo addicting. Here's an inspiration board I put together for our girls' nursery. We still don't know if its a boy or a girl, but I'm kinda hoping for a girl because I LOVE LOVE LOVE this nursery idea and think about it ALL. THE. TIME! :-)I wish I could make this picture bigger. Just...
One of the good things about being in a home more than a year is all the fun house projects! Remember this project from a while back:Thanks to my handy dad and husband, this big gaping hole that would never hold our flat screen tv....Turned into this pretty build-out and mantel! Afterall, what is a fireplace without a mantel? I have the fall...
This could be a long post, but in my attempt to keep it short, I'll just say a few of the thoughts that have been running through my head.I firmly believe that God gives us all different passions. And we are each to seek after these passions because somehow, in some way, they all fit into the greater puzzle that is the Big...
You may notice I've added a fun little pregnancy ticker to the side of my blog! :-) I've always wanted to do one of these and have just forgotten to put it on here. So now, here it is. 178 more days to go. :-) I'm not showing yet really (at least not to other people) and sometimes I wonder if I really...
I'm re-using this title, and honestly I don't remember what the first post I used this title for was about. But its still true... He is faithful.People all around me are hurting... from the temporary inconveniences of sickness, to the longer lasting pain of spousal separation and even death.Every where I look, I see the evidences of a fallen world. The evidence is...
Today alone, I've discovered two new fabulous blogs that I have er, could spend hours browsing. Here's the first one:Photoshop DisastersIt includes some fantastically horrific photoshop horrors that magazines acutally published... some as their covers! Its fun to look at.The other is a blog from a lady who's been photographing what she wears every work day of the year... and she's been doing...
Here is my 12 week 3 day baby bump shot. If I were a celebrity, the paparazzi might be catching on to my bump. That or they may just assume I ate too much at The Ivy.This is my adorable niece. Sean and I got her a wooden play sushi set for her 2nd Birthday. Gotta get 'em cultured early right?! So here...
I know, i know... I've been totally M.I.A. lately. There's been a lot going on! In between growing a human and starting a new job, I haven't had much time to do anything else. My pregnancy is going pretty well. Every day I am just so thankful that we have been so blessed with this unexpected life inside of me. I am now...