Naptime Prattle

Naptime Prattle

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Random thoughts today...* I took Gia to the doctor to check her weight today... she's gained 6 ounces in two weeks. I don't konw if that is necessarily a lot, but at least she's not losing weight. Because, goodness, that child is eating all. the. time.* There are no synonyms for "thoughts" that begin with "N." Believe me, I tried to find one....


Gia Week By Week

20 Weeks!

Monday, September 26, 2011
This week's photo is a little late because Sean, Gia and I took our first family vacay to a beautiful Lodge. We found this furry animal skin rug to take her weekly picture on, and couldn't resist the Davey Crockett coon hat! Gia is definitely teething now... drooling all over the place. For weeks, she's been pretty quiet, not really "talking" much, but...



Hike With Daddy!

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Gia is most definitely our little outdoor girl. She loves to be outside, and is absolutely mesmerized by trees over her head. Last week, we checked out a new park by our house. It has some great trails that are filled with trees everywhere. Gia was so quiet and observant the whole time... she LOVED it! ...


Bloggy Update

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Yay! I finally updated the look of our blog... this is just a quick post to test out the new siggy. :) ...


You Know Your Daddy's A Youth MInister When... Part 2

Sunday, September 18, 2011
You know your daddy's a youth minister when you spend your Saturday night glowing in black lights at Monster mini-golf! We had a middle school fun night last night and went to Monster golf followed by Orange Leaf for some yummy fro-yo. I thought Gia might freak out at the black light surroundings, but she loved it. She was very observant and chill...


All Things Diaper Giveaway

Saturday, September 17, 2011
Have I mentioned that I LOVE gDiapers? They are the number one dipe in our stash. Because Gia has just moved up to the medium sizes, we are back at square one in building up our next size stash. All Things Diaper is having a giveaway for one little gPant and liner. You should go enter! ...



You Know Your Daddy Is A Youth Minister When...

Friday, September 16, 2011
You know your daddy is a youth minister when you have your own baby-sized ear protection for Sunday night youth worship! We had our Fall kick-off of The X (our high school Sunday night program) and it was awesome! The band was incredible and Sean's preaching about John. When I walked into our youth area a couple of hours before it started, and...


Gia Week By Week

19 Weeks

Friday, September 16, 2011
Today was a busy day but we still managed to get our picture of the week in! Sean says he loves this picture because it shows exactly what she is doing this week-- grabbing her feet some more! Any chance she gets, she folds herself in half like a pretzel and grabs a foot. It so cute. Makes diaper changes a little tricky,...



Summer Reading Update

Saturday, September 10, 2011
So I posted a while back about my summer reading list... the books I had already read and the ones I wanted to read. Well, summer is gone and with the addition of Pumpkin Spice Latte's to Starbuck's menu, Fall is officially here. So here is how I did: The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond- The Baby Book...



9/11: 10 Years Later

Saturday, September 10, 2011
image sourceI can't watch the footage of 9/11.I've tried.I can't.I want to. To remember. To never forget.But I can't.Because the truth is, I will never forget. I was not there that day. I was 1,245 miles away. Sitting in a World Geography class at Ozark Christian College. Dad Bare/Stand-in Prof. told us that something big was happening in New York. In between classes,...



4 Months!

Saturday, September 10, 2011
I am going to try to start a monthly recap for Li'l G, kinda like I did with my weeks when I was pregnant with her. That way I can remember more of what she's doing! I may try to go back and do the first three months if I have time, or I may just start here. We'll see.Length: 25 inchesWeight: 12...


Gia Week By Week

18 Weeks

Thursday, September 08, 2011
18 weeks! Gia had her 4 month appointment yesterday. It went ok, but she lost 1/2 an ounce. She's been sleeping 12 or 13 hours at night, so I think that is why she lost weight. We are going to start feeding her again after she's gone to bed, and waking up one time in the early morning to feed her again. Hopefully...



Outtakes: 17 weeks

Thursday, September 01, 2011
Here are just a few of the adorable outtakes that *almost* made the cut this week. She was so much fun & has so many expressions!! You can click each picture to see it better. ...


Gia Week By Week

17 Weeks!

Thursday, September 01, 2011
Gia was so incredibly cute this morning when we were taking her pictures! I"m going to have to post some of the outtakes because it was just so hard to choose one! Gia has been so fun this week. She has been sleeping 10-12 hours at a time at night in her own crib. WHOA! I'm working on a bedtime post, but for...