I feel like this week has been much of the same as the previous 3 weeks: eat, sleep, poop, poop some more, cry. Joanna is nursing great and as a result, she poops all the time. Usually right after we change her into a clean diaper. Seriously, I will wait 10 or 15 minutes to see if she is finished, then as asoon...
So I never got around to posting Gianna's birth story, but I wanted to document Joanna's while it was still fresh in my mind. I'm trying to battle this second child syndrome, so maybe getting this done will help stave that off from the beginning! DISCLAIMER: This is a birth story. While I don't plan to throw my dignity away to the interwebs,...
This was the last week we had with my mom here. It has been so wonderful to have her with us for almost a month! Gianna has loved all the extra attention and we've loved having the extra hands. I can't beleive we didn't get a single game of Settlers in, though! Joanna is doing great! She has a bit of a diaper...
Our tiny sweetheart is growing! We had a weight check at the doctor on Friday, and Joanna has surpassed her birthweight! When she left the hospital, she was 6 lbs 11 oz (down from her 7 lbs 4 oz birthweight). Just a week and a half old, she weighed in at 7 lbs 8 oz! They doctor and nurse were very impressed with...
Well here I am again with our first week by week post for our family's newest addition, Joanna Payton! You might recall that I did a weekly photo project for Gianna, and I love having that book to look back at, so I've decided its worth the time and energy to do it all over again for Joey. She is one week old,...