Joanna's Birth Story, Pt. 1
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
So I never got around to posting Gianna's birth story, but I wanted to document Joanna's while it was still fresh in my mind. I'm trying to battle this second child syndrome, so maybe getting this done will help stave that off from the beginning!
DISCLAIMER: This is a birth story. While I don't plan to throw my dignity away to the interwebs, this is a birth story. There will probably be a little TMI for some of you. If words like "dilation", "contraction", "effaced", etc skeeve you out, you should probably skip this one.
Joanna's actual due date was January 4, 2014. The last few weeks of my pregnancy, I was worried about her having low amniotic fluid. I had no reason to be worried about that, other than both Whitney and Gianna had low amniotic fluid. In fact, that's why I was induced with Gianna on her due date. I had mentioned this to my doctor, and she didn't seem too worried. I was still measuring good and baby seemed fine so she didn't really see a need to do anything just yet. At my 36 or 37 week appointment (I don't remember which), my doctor was stuck in surgery so I had to see one of the other docs in the practice. He was nice enough, but every time I saw him, he kinda lectured me about not inducing this baby early for no reason. I alway assured him I wanted the baby to cook as long as necessary, but wanted to be sure she was safe. He asked me at this appointment if I was still worried about the fluid levels and I said yes, so he scheduled an ultrasound for me the next week.
At my next appointment, it did indeed show that Joey's fluid levels were on the low end. I think they want at least a measurable 5 to 25 centimeteres of fluid around the baby and Joey's was just at 6.25 (or something like that). However, I did have a pocket of fluid that was 4x4, which was good and my doctor felt we'd just keep an eye on it. We also decided that we would schedule an induction for December 31st, if she hadn't come by then. Yay for getting her on this year's taxes! And my doctor was going to be on vacation for a while after that date. I really wanted her to deliver me, so I jumped at the opportunity to schedule this. At my next appointment (Almost 39?) Joey's fluid was a bit improved, and I was dialted 1 cm and 75% effaced. This was a Thursday-- Dr. K told me she would see me on Tuesday morning for my induction, but wouldn't be surprised if I maybe went into labor before then on my own. Eek! Really!? I didn't care when it happened, really, as long as my mom made it there before the baby came. She was set to arrive from Egypt on Friday. My doctor was also on-call that weekend, so I felt good knowing if it did happen before Tuesday, she would most likely be there.
Well, baby held off Thursday night, and mom made it to Indianapolis safe and sound on Friday. We were so excited to go pick her up at the airport. Gia knows good things (people we love) come from the airport! We had a nice weekend... mom was able to get a little sleep, and we had our Wilson family Christmas on Saturday. Sean's dad and step-mom, brother and sister-in-law came over and we had lunch then opened some gifts and visited. It was a great day!
We went to church on Sunday, and Sunday afternoon, Sean was gone most of the day. He went hunting with a friend (last opportunity of the season- who am I to say no?) and then had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings with our college students. (After church on Sunday, we took some pics by our Christmas tree, since I'd forgotten to do that all season. I"m glad I did, as this was the last time we were home to do so before Joey came!) After putting Gia to bed, mom and I sat down to watch an episode of "The Next Iron Chef." About half-way through the episode we were watching, I realized that I was having contractions and that I probably should time them. This was nothing new, I'd been having mild contractions off and on since I was so sick a month ago. But this time, they didn't go away when I laid down or drank water. About 9:30, the contractions were consistently 6 minutes apart or so; I decided I should go take a shower, just in case this was it. When I went to the hospital last month when I was in labor from dehydration, I had "winter legs" (you know, hadn't shaved in a couple weeks). I joked with the nurses about it then, but had no intention of going in with hairy legs again. :) (The nurses said they didn't care but c'mon, its weird!) So I told mom I was going to go shower, but she was already passed out asleep on the couch. I couldn't wake her for anything! That jet lag was finally getting to her.
I stopped paying attention to the contractions while I was in the shower, but once I got out, I still noticed them. So I made sure I had all my hospital bag things together, and texted my friend Heather to tell her about the contractions. Sean came home about 10:30 and I told him he probably needed to get his bag together. Shortly after that, I decided it was time to call my doctor. My contractions were still 5 or 6 minutes apart but they were getting stronger. They had told me to wait until they curl my toes and are 3 minutes apart, but that was just too much for my comfort. When I called my doc she said she could hear the worry in my voice, and it would probably be good if I came on in to the hospital. Hearing her say that made me feel both relieved and freaked out at the same time. We called my friend Caitlin to come over and spend the night with Gia so that my mom could come up to the hospital with us. I am so thankful that she was willing to do that! I knew that when Gia woke up to us not being here, she would still feel safe and secure with "Kiki." I went in and woke mom up and told her this was it! I was still thinking it would probably take me a long time to actually have the baby, so I told her she could sleep a little and come up later if she wanted to. But the temps outside were dropping and it was getting alittle drizzly, so she decided to come on up with us so she didn't have to drive later and/or risk missing the birth!
Caitlin got there just a few minutes later, and I called Heather once again to tell her we were headed to the hospital. She asked if she should come on up now, but I told her to wait until we got checked in and knew for sure that they were going to keep us. We were out our door by about 11:30, on our way to meet our sweet little Joanna (hopefully!).
(To be continued...)

2 Lovely Words
Yay! This was clean! No mention of loosing your mucus plug? : ) That is how I knew both of my babies were coming soon (even the one that came really early) ….however, none of my friends ever noticed it! And I know it's disgusting to talk about, but I loved having that yucky sign to know to get ready, bigger things would be happening really soon!
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