What's Your Design Style??

Saturday, March 07, 2009

I found this quiz on my friend Jenny's blog and its great!!  It helps you find your design style... and it definitely pretty much sums up all the pretty decor things I love!!  Here's how I shaped up:

50% Wine Country Style
Tuscan sun, here we come! The Wine Country style reflects the feelings evoked by the seaside regions of Europe such as the South of France, Spain, Italy and Greece. 

25% Nantucket Style  
Oh how you love the beach! Who doesn't, right? And so your dream home is either perched in your favorite beach town, or you've brought that favorite beach town into your house!

25% Classic
What's old is new again!  The style itself is a mix of European influences and French, English and Italian antiques and replicas are often used together.
Its pretty accurate actually!!!  Everyone who knows me knows I love ALL things Italian, old, wooden, artistic and beautiful!!  But from my time living in NC I developed a love for the beach.  Every good Carolinan worth her salt in pork rub has at least one dedicated beach room.  I've carried the East Coast love all the way to California and still have my guest bathroom all decked out as my Carolina beach room.  I love it.  I am going to paint it soon.  :-)  So this was fun... you should do it and tell me what your style is!

In other, much more exciting news, SEAN COMES HOME TOMORROW!!!!  I AM SO EXCITED! I haven't heard from him in days and I miss him so much!!  So that means that tonite when I fall asleep, I"ll wake up and he'll be here just hours later!  He should pull into town around noon or so.  

OH!  And we're switching from Comcast tomorrow over to ATT Uverse.  I am so excited.  Comcast is ridiculously expensive.  I can't wait!  OHHhhh and I have a fun little table centerpiece decoration thing that I am going to make tonight and will try to upload pics of later.  :-)  Happy Friday!

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1 Lovely Words

  1. I just took this and it is pretty accurate! I got 38% Cottage Chic, 38% Mountain Lodge and 24% Rustic...definitely me! Now I want to redecorate...


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