
Great Video...

Saturday, January 30, 2010
This video is from a Pregnancy Resource Center down in L.A. that I've become friends with. Back in October, some coworkeder and I visited, the Watts area of L.A. to see how they run their mobile unit. Their director, the guy on the video, has been so helpful in assisting us in getting our mobile unit ready. Very soon, our own mobile unit...


He Sings Over Me

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I think that one of the most beautiful gifts God has given us on this earth is the gift of music. Music speaks to my heart in ways that regular words without a melody can. I keep hearing about this song "I Will Carry You" by Selah. All along, I've thought it was a different song that what it really is, so I...


Cooking and Cleaning, Oh My!

Sunday, January 24, 2010
So January seems like "deep clean" month in bloggy land. I wish I could say I had the time and determination to get in and really deep clean stuff, but all I really have is the desire to do it. Not the energy, time or real interest. ha! BUT, I have started a list of deep cleaning things that I want to do!...



Saturday, January 23, 2010
I love my "blue eyes." He's the bestest ever. :-) I love my "blue eyes." He's the bestest ever. :-) ...




Saturday, January 23, 2010
I am blessed to have the greatest best friend a girl could have. Words cannot adequately express the level to which my best friend, Tracy, means the world to me. I've written many times about my friends from "Aardvark." Aardvark is not a city (hehe), but a place where a handful of us once worked. We actually worked for Tracy and her husband,...


Thoughts on Haiti

Thursday, January 21, 2010
I follow quite a few adoption blogs, and so many of them have been commenting on the tragic conditions in Haiti. Just before the earthquake, there were numerous children waiting to be adopted... waiting to be welcomed into their forever families. With the earthquake, things have undoubtedly become more complicated and delays in getting these children home keep piling up. My heart breaks...


Kenyan Food night!

Thursday, January 21, 2010
We had another International Food Night with the Corrao's tonight! This time, it was Tommy and Shiny's turn. (We switch back and forth) Rahab is interning with our church this semster, so she and Shiny made some authentic Kenyan food! I'd never had it before but it was so good!! We had ugali, chipatis, stew (not sure what its called) and cabbage... oh....


oscars 10

It's That Time Of Year...

Monday, January 18, 2010
For Award shows!A few weeks ago, The Peoples' Choice Awards kicked things off, followed by this weekend's Golden Globe awards. The Golden Globes are sort of the 'crystal ball' to the Oscars, so I'm already gearing up for some weekend-long movie theater marathons. Starting this week, I am officially cutting my hours at work back by one day and for now, that day...


For Clayton

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Don't you miss me, C? Don't you miss me, C? ...


Maternity Photos!

Saturday, January 16, 2010
If you follow my 365 blog, you know that yesterday, we took some maternity photos with Hannah Gaul. It was so much fun! She knew of a beautiful spot in the foothills of Friant and we had a blast shooting with her (even if Sean and I were both pretty dorky the whole time). She made us feel so at ease and just...



Numbers, Bellies and all things Round

Saturday, January 16, 2010
I came across this article while reading a friend's blog... its about something called "Pregorexia." I've never heard that term before... have you? Well, the article basically talks about how some anorexics deal with being pregnant... overexercising, under eating, etc. I have been in active eating disorder recovery (meaning no behaviors, restricting, etc) for a decade now, and I can honestly say that...


String Of Pearls

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I came home last night after a very tiring 10+ hour day. It was a good day, but very late and very tiring. I was so thrilled when I saw the big box on my kitchen counter and I knew right away who it was from! There is a wondeful, amazing organization called String of Pearls. It is an online organization that offers...


Walk Around the Web

Saturday, January 09, 2010
I've had a crazy hectic week at work, and will be working nearly all weekend getting ready for a class I'm teaching Monday. 9th grade. High school. PUBLIC high school. Topic? Sex ed. Excited? TOTALLY. Scared? Heck yes. It's been, oh... 3 years since I've taught a sex ed class AND I'm teaching a whole new curriculum. That I wrote. Yikes. Talk about...



Belly Shot!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010
I was at work late tonight, and feeling really pregnant today so I thought I'd take a picture and share. :-) Yesterday, I totally didn't feel or look pregnant at all. So I was happy when I woke up and my belly was tight. Luckily, these pants still fit though. :-) As I was driving home tonight, I cranked up some Garth Brooks...


Big Picture Prayers

Monday, January 04, 2010
This past weekend at church, Matt Proctor, president of both Sean and I's alma mater (Ozark Christian College) preached a wonderful sermon on the power of a praying church. He reminded us that God delights in answering our prayers. God just loves it when we ask for something in His name and He fulfills it. And I truly believe that there is no...


365 Project

Monday, January 04, 2010
So I'm starting a new endeavor this year... I am joining in on the 365 Project. I've created a new blog (I know, really? Another one?) that will chronicle every day of our life this year with one photograph. I'm really looking forward to doing this... I think it will be challenging and fun, but most of all, I think it will be...


New Post

Friday, January 01, 2010
New Post on Whitney's Blog...Normal with a Side of SuckI promise, no cursing and its totally SFW. :-) ...


New Year

2009 In Pictures

Friday, January 01, 2010
I also did a "2008 in Pictures" (<---- CLICK THERE) and it was fun to look back on ... so I thought I'd do it again for 2009! Here it goes:January was pretty quiet... here we are playing Settlers of Catan with our kitties on our laps!In February, Sean went to South Korea, Japan and the Philippines. here he is with a guard...