AND STILL PREGNANT.How Far Along: 39 Weeks... almost 10 months!Size of baby: I'm not sure exactly, but she's big. And running out of room. FAST.Total Weight Gain: I lost 1.5 pounds this week! A huge relief after the 3.5 pounds I gained last week. I've read that losing weight in the last few weeks is normal, so that's good. I just don't have...
i find it ironic that internally, i am such a homebody. all i want is to be grounded somewhere. and yet, all i have known most my life is change. i say that, but there's another part of me that loves the adventure and is so thankful for the life i have had thus far. i've lived in some cool places, lived in...
It is pet week over at I Heart Faces. You know I love my kitty boys, so here is a recent fave pic of them!Check out the other entries at I Heart Faces. ...
How Far Along: 38 Weeks... that's 9 and a half months. Whoa. Size of baby: According to my little ticker countdown, baby is still about the size of a watermelon. It definitely feels like that!!!Total Weight Gain: 38.5 or so... I think I miscalculated last week when I put my weight gain on here. At any rate, I gained a HUGE 3.5 pounds...
SOURCEWell, Baby G has yet to make her appearance. I thought FOR SURE she'd come super early, but here I am... 37 1/2 weeks and no baby yet! That's ok by me, I want her to keep growing strong in my belly. But I'd be lying if I said that Sean and I both aren't getting super excited to have her here! My...
How Far Along: 37 Weeks... that's OFFICIALLY FULL TERM, folks!!!Size of baby: According to my little ticker countdown, baby is the size of a watermelon. It definitely feels like that!!!Total Weight Gain: 32 pounds.... technically, you're only supposed to gain 1 lb/week in the home stretch and I gained 2 lbs this past week. Oops. I'm hoping to gain no more than 35...
As of tomorrow, I am officially FULL TERM with Baby G. (that's 37 weeks) So I thought it was about time that we start a fun little baby pool, inviting our friends, family and strangers (?) to throw their guesses into the hat. We haven't decided what the winner of this baby pool will get, but we'll come up with something. :) We...
That's right, folks... we've made it to 36 weeks, which if you do the math equals 9 months!!! Only 4 weeks or less until our babe is here God-willing! So here's the low-down on this past week. (Yes, I know I just posted our 35 week update yesterday... but I was a little behind. Today is officially 36 weeks. If only the weeks...
How Far Along: 35 WeeksSize of baby: About the size of a honeydew melon.... 5 and 1/4 pounds! Total Weight Gain: 27 pounds.... right on track for the 3rd Trimester! Though its probably closer to 30 now....Maternity Clothes: All maternity, all the time. Or pj pants. Even some of the maternity shirts I bought a few months ago are getting a little short.Gender:...