
Baby 'Bellies 4

Monday, April 18, 2011

Well, Baby G has yet to make her appearance. I thought FOR SURE she'd come super early, but here I am... 37 1/2 weeks and no baby yet! That's ok by me, I want her to keep growing strong in my belly. But I'd be lying if I said that Sean and I both aren't getting super excited to have her here! My anxieties with Gianna have so much to do with what happened with Whitney, I am so just ready to have her breathing in my arms already!

But anyways... this is a fun post. Another onesie embellishment! **Sidenote... I tried the camel onesie... it wasn't great, but I'll post it anyways. :) ** I came across this cute idea, which also uses a wax paper stencil for some of it. But to make the "chain" look, you just use pen caps and tips dipped in fabric paint! LOVE IT! Very Madonna, 1980's. Is that inappropriate for a onesie inspiration? Hmmmmm. She's gotta learn about the '80's at some point.....

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