Gia Week By Week

16 weeks

Friday, August 26, 2011
16 weeks! Whoa! I love this week's pictures. There were quite a few adorable contenders, but this one pulled ahead for the win! I took Gia to the doctor *again* today because she had quite the scary screaming fit last night. But, once again, the little girl is just fine! I feel kinda silly having taken her to the doctor twice already-- before...


I Love A Good Provision Story

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
"I love a good provision story." My sister left that comment on my Facebook page after I wrote a status about how we were praising God as our Jehovah-jireh. And she's right... who doesn't love a good provision story? Afterall, God tells us time and time again that he will provide for us. He provides for the birds of the air, the fish...


Since Emily Post is dead...

Monday, August 22, 2011
Since Emily Post is dead and Dear Abby is no longer syndicated, I need your opinions on an etiquette question. Gia is 3 1/2 months old and I have yet to send out her baby announcements. I'm pretty sure the whole world knows she's here, so its not exactly news to anyone. But, I still want to send them out because I've had...


Gia Week By Week

15 weeks!

Thursday, August 18, 2011
15 weeks! Whoa! Gia rolled over again for us this week! What I thought might have been a one-time wonder is now par for the course whenever I'm changing Gia's diaper! She is quite the roly poly. She also gave us her first real laugh this week too! It was a deep, throaty laugh and she went on and on with it for...



PinterestInspiration: Autumn Chopped Salad

Thursday, August 18, 2011
I have to say that I am pretty proud of myself for actually trying some of the onemillion things I've recently pinned to Pinterest. Most of the inspirations have been food for dinners, as that seems to be the area where I most fall short of creativity and variety. This week I made the Autumn Chopped Salad I pinned here: Source: espressoandcream.com via...


Gia Week By Week

14 Weeks!

Thursday, August 11, 2011
Look at how much my baby is growing!! She is 14 weeks old today. I cannot even tell you all what a joy she is to my heart! Its absolutely incredible. Never in my life has my heart been so full. I took Gia to her new pediatrician yesterday because she's been kinda congested and coughing for a while. The doctor's office is...



Stop The World!

Monday, August 08, 2011
Since we all know life happens on Facebook, here's my status from yesterday evening: Gia rolled over!! I don't keep a calendar like I used to (ok, I used to keep 5 calendars... I was a very busy and important person once upon a time. Right BFF?) so this blog will be my new way of documenting Gia's milestones! I was getting Gia...



Friday, August 05, 2011
Yes, like much of the blogging world, I am addicted to Pinterest. I've pinned about a million things (ok, technically just a couple thousand maybe, but who's counting?) and up until this week, I"ve not tried a single one of them. I figured it was time to get off my websurfing BEEhind and do something!So, for dinner last night, I made this crock...