6 Months!
Saturday, November 05, 2011Length: 25 inches, maybe 26
Weight: 13 pounds 4 ounces.... she's a slow gainer, so I am looking forward to talking to her doctor about it this week.
Clothing Size: She is in 3-6 month clothing right now, though a few of her 0-3's still fit.
Fave Toy: I got a steal of a deal on an Einstein Baby exersaucer at a garage sale a few weeks back. She does so good playing in it! She also LOVES looking in the mirror. She gives the baby in the mirror "kisses." SO CUTE!
Fave Outfit: By far my favorite outfit this month was the apple sweater she wore to the Apple Orchard. SO CUTE! Lately though, we've been staying in our jam-jams most of the day, since its getting COLD here!
New Moves: She is sitting up by herself for longer periods of time, though still a little wobbly, and just today she has mastered the art of crawling backwards. She pushes up on all fours and rocks back and forth, too. She also like to roll to get places. SHE IS MOBILE!
Teething: None have popped through but I'm hoping we're close... still nothing.
Eating: We tried rice cereal a few weeks ago and sweet potatoes, when my mom was here. She was a pro for a couple days, then decided she didn't like it anymore. So we waited a week and just started rice cereal again yesterday. She's been sick this week, so I'm hoping that's the deal. She's also not been nursing as well. Again, it could be from being sick but she just doesn't act hungry much at all.
Sleeping: This has been the most difficult month so far, sleep-wise. Now that she is pretty much over her sickies, she is still waking up every 2-3 hours at night. I'm not even sure that its because she's hungry, because she falls asleep while I'm feeding her!
Talking: She's not been babbling as much as she was at the end of last month but she does get going some times. I love her sweet little voice. I think she's going to have a beautiful singing voice. :)
Fave Pic: Here's one from when she had her first meal of rice cereal. Taking a que from DeDad and licking the bowl!
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