Sunday Summary

A Belated Sunday Summary

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
So, this is a day late, but better that than not at all right? I'll get the hang of this, I promise!Song of the week: Tonight, by FM StaticMeal of the week: Trip TipFave moment of the week: Sunday lunch with Sean... and realizing that when we're on the same side, we're unstoppable. :-)What I'm reading now: Sadly, I finished Breaking Dawn. So...


Cricut & Prince

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sean and I went to a voulnteer's luncheon for the Sheriff's department today that was pretty fun. They had a raffle and I won a brunch for 4 at Copper River golf club! Nice, huh? Sean was hoping I'd win the free rounds of golf, but I'm pretty happy with the brunch. I think I'm going to invite a girl from work and...


Friday Fave Foto

Friday's Fave Foto

Saturday, September 27, 2008
So I haven't taken any pics this weekend that I can think of, but while I was gearing up my mind for fall (since the actual elements don't do a thing for me here in California), I came across this BEAUTIFUL picture of a Fall road taken, where else, but in North Carolina. *sigh* **moment of silent, blissful reflection and reminesence** This is...



Sunday Summary

Monday, September 22, 2008
So, in an effort ot be more regular in my posting, I have decided to add two new staple postings to my week. The first one is what I am calling my "Sunday Summary." I'll answer the same questions every week, kinda giving a recap of my past week. I'm kinda looking forward to the accountability and reflection this potentially has to offer....


Election '08

New Look

Monday, September 22, 2008
Hope you like the new look. :-) The header is from one of Sean and I's engagement pics taken by the great Nathan Williams. :-) Its been almost 5 years since we've had pics taken together like that... I'm hoping when I'm home at Thanksgiving Sean will want to do some. We'll see...In completely random news, I found this Sarah Palin Name Generator....



Yummy Goodness...

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Today, I have reason to smile. Actually, tomorrow morning at approximately 8:25, I will have reason to smile. Why, you may ask? That, my dear friends and readers, is when California's Central Valley city of Fresno will be blessed with the grand opening of its first ever Chic-Fil-A. Yes, it is true. Surely heaven has smiled upon this desert town. :-)There were already...



I Love Fall.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I love Fall. It is my all-time favorite season EVER. I love everything about Fall... the smell in the air when night starts to fall sooner in the day... the briskness in my step when the air gets cooler... the crunch of freshly fallen leaves... the rich hues of amber, gold, red and deep burgundy that show up everywhere from the tree tops...


Election '08

2012: Palin for President ?

Thursday, September 04, 2008
As I was packing for Las Vegas tonight, I turned on the TV to give me some background noise. With all that I've been doing lately, I completley forgot that it was the RNC tonite. Sarah Palin was just winding up her speech when I turned on, and I caught the last 10 or 15 minutes of it. Can I just say WOW?...