I came across this website while reading the blog of another friend... you know, one of those friend-of-a-friend type things... her art is absolutely amazing! Its called "Audrey Eclectic".... You really should take a look... Here's one of my faves... OK... and another....Apparently she does some custom work, too. If we ever have a little girl I would LOVE to get a portrait...
When you have been buying way too many books?Well... you might be buying way too many books when you already own 10 of the 15 recommendations on your Amazon.com list.Well I know you'll be terribly disappointed, but I'm not going to do a Sunday Sumamry today.... nothing really noteworthy happened this week... so I'll forego the routine because I don't really believe in...
I posted plenty of pics last week but thought I'd go ahead and do the formal Friday Fave Foto, mostly for organization purposes... what can I say, I'm particular about some things.... but here's pics of our small group at the pumpkin patch last weeK! ...
Song of the week: "At The Cross" By HillsongMeal of the week:DEFINITELY dinner last night at the Obars... Josh made this uh-mazing jerk chicken and stuff... really good!Fave moment of the week:We put together our new bed! And the pumpkin patch with our small group was really fun!Most annoying moment of the week:This was a pretty good week... nothing really stands out!What I'm...
So I just had to share this.... I have been looking around online ALL DAY for a company that will print custom board books. You know, like the baby books that are hard and can be chewed on and drooled on but still stay in tact? I want to make one for my niece for Christmas. I found a couple of websites and...
I heard this song on the radio this week, and have not stopped playing it over and over in my head... the song is "At the Cross" by Hillsong United. Here's the words: Oh Lord You've searched meYou know my wayEven when I fail YouI know You love me Your holy presence Surrounding me In every season I know You love me I...
A lot of people probably consider it improper, unpopular, impolite and very un-Emily Post to blog about the impending election... but its my blog, so I can say what I want right? Actually, there's not a lot that I feel like I should say at this point, because not much of it is very nice. After watching the final debates, I am more...
Ah, a lazy sunday afternoon... I snuck into our bedroom and found my boys like this:Song of the week: Glorious OneMeal of the week: Stuffed Green Peppers and potato salad from Meat Market!Fave moment of the week: Enjoying this fabulously cool weather!Most annoying moment of the week: Going back to the allergist and getting 32 shots in my arm!!! OUCH! And finding out...
Today we went to the "Big Fresno Fair"... It was fun and the food was delish, but it totally made me miss my Kendall and Joey! We went to the Raleigh fair together last year and had so much fun! I miss them so much!! We Love you Guys! Fried Twinkies and Gyros weren't the same without ya'll! So this Friday Foto (that...
For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past few months may be unfamiliar with the current phenomenon of the Twilight series, I've been drooling over all the screen shots I can get my eyes on! The movie looks mostly phenomenal, though I am reserving my opinion (of course) until I've actually seen it... Were I the casting...
Or one friend in particular, I should say! A friend I went to high school with, Kristina now lives in London (cool!)... I commented on how I loved her scarf she was wearing in a picture, and she sent me one out of the blue! Yay for fun random things like that! I love it, Kristina! Thank-you! In fact, yesterday I was trying...
To all who read this I want you to know, I have the best wife in the whole world! To all who read this I want you to know, I have the best wife in the whole world! ...
Song of the week: I don't really have one this weeK! Lame, I know.Meal of the week: John's Incredible Pizza for the new members' banquet!! Ok, so I really just liked the skee-ball we played afterwards. :-)Fave moment of the week: RAIN!!!! It rained on Saturday!!!!Most annoying moment of the week: Well this afternoon I pulled these really heavy blinds down on my...
As promised.... here's my Friday foto.... this is a yard in my neighborhood, getting ready for Halloween, apparently. These witches are actually permanent statutes, that when not in festive gear, are hideous 5 and 7 feet tall grecian women carved from stone. If this is what they do for Halloween, we can't wait for Christmas!! ...
I love Britney Spears. Call me silly, whatever... but I do! But I also think she just really needs a good friend. It may sound silly, but I truly, earnestly pray for her... it can't be easy to live the life she does and under such scrutiny. That's why I am so thankful for Bebo Norman, who wrote these words I've always wanted...