Gia Week By Week

47 Weeks

Friday, March 30, 2012
47 weeks!  I really couldn't tell you much of what has happened this past week-- its gone by so fast!  Gia is finally working on some more teeth.  I can't tell exactly which ones, but the past couple of days she has been just miserable.  Though she did sleep all night last night!  :)  Easter is just a little more than a week...



Mom Vanity

Friday, March 23, 2012
I suppose the supporting tagline for this title should be: "P-Dub, Pit Stains and Internet Friends." Have you ever heard of momvanity?  It might be a word I just made up but its basically the desire of baby mamas to look cute, fashionable and together, all while venturing out into public, grocery shopping, errand running and balancing a baby on your hip.  Not...


Gia Week By Week

46 Weeks

Thursday, March 22, 2012
What? A photo post actually up on a Thursday? Crazy, I know!  We've been pretty busy this past week and Gia has been such a great trooper, just along for the ride.  On Thursday last week, we headed to Cincinnati to see Sean's dad and step mom and sister.  Its March madness so lots of basketball was watched.  :)  Gia loved playing with...


Tunnel Fun

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
  Here's some pics from the park last week!  So fun! ...


Gia Week By Week

45 Weeks

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Spring is here! It has been absolutely beautiful in our part of the world this week! Gia and I have spent a lot of time at the parks... we have two great parks really close to our house.  She likes the swing and even tried crawling through the tunnel!  I was so proud of her for trying something new!  We went for a...


Tuesday Cuteness

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
I interrupt your regularly scheduled Tuesday morning to bring you this dose of Gia cuteness.    Oh, those eyes. ...


Cool Stuff

Stuff We're Loving Right Now: Indestructibles!

Monday, March 12, 2012
I've always been a reader.  I love all kinds of books- fiction, non-fiction, historical, adventure, young adult, children's... I love 'em all.  (Well, most all.  I don't have much patience for sappy romance novels.  Never could get through a single one of those.)  I remember the feeling of awe that would come over me as I entered the school library at Darnaby Elementary. ...


Show Us Your Life: Ministry Wives!

Sunday, March 11, 2012
I follow a great blog called Kelly's Korner.  She has a feature where each week she highlights a different group of people who can link up on her blog.  This week its ministry wives/women in ministry.  Hey! I fit that category!  So I'm linking up! If you've found our blog through KK, welcome!  My husband is a youth minister at a non-denominational Christian...


Gia Week By Week

44 Weeks

Friday, March 09, 2012
44 weeks!  I can't believe there are only 8 weeks left of this fun little photo project.  I am working on several crafty projects to wrap it up, that I will detail a bit later.  This week's fabric is in honor of Super Tuesday!  What an interesting Republican nomination primary season this has been!  This week has flown by... I really can't believe...



10 Months

Wednesday, March 07, 2012
  Length: 28 inches, maybe Weight: I would guess she is 17 pounds or so now.  Clothing Size: 6-9 month... but she can still wear a few of her 3-6 month clothes that I LOVE and squeeze her in to.  I went shopping at Once Upon A Child this month and got her some 12 month clothes... crazy!  I don't feel like the...


Gia Week By Week

43 Weeks

Sunday, March 04, 2012
43 weeks!  Gia has been sleeping amazingly well this week!  One night, she slept for 14 hours straight!  And the next two nights she slept for 7 hours.  Of course, she's had a really runny nose and congestion so I think most of that sleep was because she wasn't feel well.  Whatever- I'll take it!  Once she was feeling better towards the end...


We've Come A Long Way, Baby!

Thursday, March 01, 2012
Today is a special anniversary, of sorts.  Not exactly cake and champagne-worthy, but definitely notable.  On February 28 last year, Sean and I left behind our lives in California for good.  We took a red-eye flight out of San Francisco, bound for Cincinnati.  I was 30 weeks pregnant AND we were flying with our two lovely kitties.  Looking back, I can only laugh...


Naptime Prattle

Just Because It Thursday

Thursday, March 01, 2012
Obsessing … the fun of buying fabric more than making stuff with it. Gia sleeping at night. The softness of my guest bed. that its March already. Working … major bleach-out in the bathroom. keeping the kitchen picked up. working on routine. Thinking … about all the things I have no time to do: taxes, insurance claim, drivers license. About Gia's first birthday...