46 Weeks
Thursday, March 22, 2012What? A photo post actually up on a Thursday? Crazy, I know! We've been pretty busy this past week and Gia has been such a great trooper, just along for the ride. On Thursday last week, we headed to Cincinnati to see Sean's dad and step mom and sister. Its March madness so lots of basketball was watched. :) Gia loved playing with Pop Pop & Gran's kitties... and they didn't seem to mind her TOO much. Gia especially enjoyed chasing Buddy up the stairs. This girl is a pro at climbing stairs! On Friday, some of my friends from Indy came up to Cinci for a marathon shopping day. We started off at the Gap Clearance center (Sean watched Gia for that) then headed to IKEA and Jungle Jim's. Except for a few momentary meltdowns (one major one in IKEA), Gia was so great! We had a good time shopping. Saturday was St. Patrick's Day and we had Kyle & Anne and our friends Caitlin & Luke over for some corned beef & veggies. It was a lot of fun! Gia has been so sweet this week... she's been a bit cuddly and one morning when Sean went in to pick her up, she greeted him with a kiss!! We also joined the YMCA this week. It has been great so far! They have fantastic child care, and Gia has done pretty good going there every day. She only cries for a few minutes and by the time I pick her up, she's happy and playing. I love the look on her face when I pick her up and she first sees me! So sweet! Today we are heading out to see The Pioneer Woman at her cookbook signing! I made Gia another Oklahoma onesie and can't wait to see PW!

1 Lovely Words
When Will "greets me with a kiss" it makes my day... I love kisses from my little Will. Thanks for sharing!
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