I made Gia this scrappy fabric tutu skirt for Christmas... another Pinterest inspiration! It was really pretty easy and fun... and looked adorable!! It was hard to get a good picture, but here are a few so you can get the idea. :)We all went to Christmas Eve service together, and it was a beautiful service. Then we came home and opened our...
It snowed! A few days late for a White Christmas but it was still so much fun! Gia loved it, too!! ...
This is our first Christmas as a "real" family of three... as in three people actually in pictures, three people actually opening presents, three people actually celebrating the birth of our Saviour. The past two Christmases have been wonderful, but they were TWO people with one in my belly. There were days when I never thought I'd have a baby to celebrate with...
Sean and I had a fantastic date last night... in fact, it was the first time we've left her with anyone other than my mom! And we were gone for 7 whole hours! A friend gave us tickets to last night's Colts game and it was a blast! We took Sean's brother and sister-in-law, and it made for a great time! The seats...
What a week! Gia gave us an early Christmas gift in the form of 3 nights of sleeping 5 or 6 hours straight! Yay! That streak was short-lived, though, as her bottom tooth has started to come through. So we were up several times again the past couple of nights. The darn thing still hasn't poked through. We got Gia a highchair for...
I forgot to post last week's picture on the blog... I added it to our FB album, but didn't put it here! This week, Gia has finally mastered drinking out of the straw! Although that is the only type of sippy cup she prefers now. Gia is crawling like crazy and pulling up on everything! She loves to pull all of the toys...
31 weeks! I am still so frustrated with my camera... so I apologize for the over-processing of this photo! It took two sessions to get a decent shot with mobile Miss Gia (and finally had to bribe her with this ornament to stay on her back (its plastic)), so I had to do a lot to this pic to make it look decent....
Length: 25.5 inchesWeight: 14 pounds 1.6 ounces.... we did a weight check on Thursday and she gained 9 oz in 3 weeks. Pretty good. Hoping she keeps it up!Clothing Size: She is in 3-6 month clothing right now, but getting close to outgrowing those. Time to bring in the next tub of clothes and make a trip to Once Upon A Child!Fave Toy:...