I am 35 weeks pregnant now with our Rainbow Baby. So far, the pregnancy has been picture-perfect, from a health stand point. Spot-on weight gain, healthy baby heartbeat, measuring well, no GD, etc. But from an emotional perspective, its been rough.I am hoping to write more about Carrying our Rainbow after Carrying our Angel, as there are just so many emotions and dynamics....
How Far Along: 34 WeeksSize of baby: About the size of a cantaloupe.... 4.75 pounds! No wonder its hard to get comfortable!Total Weight Gain: 27 pounds.... right on track for the 3rd Trimester!Maternity Clothes: All maternity, all the time. Or pj pants. Even some of the maternity shirts I bought a few months ago are getting a little short.Gender: Girl! Gianna NoelleMovement: She...
Ok, so this onesie is a little bit like the one I blogged about in my last Baby 'Bellies post, but this is the closest picture I could find to my idea to show you what I'm thinking.... I'm thinking something sort of like this but I will make the petals more peacock-feathery-like. Does that make sense? :) I'm thinking colors like one...
How Far Along: 33 WeeksSize of baby: Some things say a pineapple, some things say a honeydew. Either way she's about 4 pounds! Total Weight Gain: 25 pounds.... give or take a couple.Maternity Clothes: All maternity, all the time. Or pj pants. Even some of the maternity shirts I bought a few months ago are getting a little short.Gender: Girl! Gianna NoelleMovement: She's...
Ready for another Baby Embellishment idea? This one may take a little more work, so I'm not sure when I'll be able to work on it.... but here's the idea anyways: I don't remember where I bookmarked this one from... so if you know, let me know and I'll give credit where credit is due! This lookes like the whole onesie was dyed...
I love sunflares, and that is the theme of this week's I Heart Faces challenge!"A stronger breeze makes stronger trees..."You can check out the other awesome entries HERE. ...
I've always been big on "mood lighting" or lighting that is appropriate for whatever I happen to be doing at the time. For instance, in college, I HAD to have every single light on in my dorm room before I could study effectively. I also hate flourescent lighting. I much prefer the warm glow of several table lamps to a gaudy, blaring flourescent...
I have a really bad habit... well, actually I guess its not really a BAD habit, per se... but the fact that I don't follow through on anything pertaining to this habit makes it bad.What am I talking about? Well, I must confess, I am addicted to bookmarking. Like, things on the internet. You know, all those dozens of blogs I read each...
How Far Along: 32 Weeks....O.M.G.Size of baby: Gianna is about the size of a large jicama... because we all know what that is right?!Total Weight Gain: 25 pounds.... that means I've been gaining at a rate of 2# per week... but really it should only be about 1# per week... so I'm gonna need to start moving more in these last few months....
How Far Along: 31 WeeksSize of baby: Gianna is about the size of 4 navel oranges. Holy cow!Total Weight Gain: 23-ish pounds....Maternity Clothes: All maternity, all the time. Or pj pants. Even some of the maternity shirts I bought a few months ago are getting a little short. Gender: Girl! Gianna NoelleMovement: She's rolling around a lot more than kicking these days... I'm...
How Far Along: 30 WeeksSize of baby: Gianna is about the size of a head of cabbage. Not to be confused with the chinese cabbage of a few weeks ago, of course. Alternatively, according to Tarzan's Guide for Baby Sizes for new to be dads, 30 weeks is about the size of the front wheel on the original Big Wheel. Whatever that is....