
Vote for Gia's Party on Project Nursery!

Thursday, May 24, 2012
I am so excited, y'all!  Gia's Pink Giraffe birthday party was chosen as a finalist for party of the month on the most awesome, famed blog of Project Nursery!  Last I checked, we were in second place, behind by just 3 or 4 votes!  So.... will you help us win by voting for her birthday party!?  Here's how you can do that: Check...



Sleepy Baby

Thursday, May 17, 2012
I took these pictures tonight as I was holding Gia.  Its Wednesday night, and she's always tired on church nights.  As you can see, she didn't make it through her bedtime nursing session.  (Hope she doesn't wake up hungry at 3 am!)  Usually, I try to keep her awake as I'm feeding her so that I put her in her crib awake.  But...


Gia Week By Week

How I Edit the Photos

Thursday, May 10, 2012
I made a quick little video that shows how I edited the weekly photos.  So many people have asked where I got the onesies for the 52 weeks, but here's the secret: they're fake!  Totally photoshopped.  I just use a plain white onesie, then add the weeks in using Photoshop.  If you are interested in doing a similar project but don't have Photoshop,...


Gia Week By Week

52 Weeks Evaluation

Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Now that our 52-week photo project is over, I've taken a little time to think about what I might do differently if there is a next time. I love having all the weekly pictures to look back on and am so excited to make them into a book! I've also thought about creating a poster with the pictures, too. I'll be sure to...



12 Months

Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Length: 28 inches Weight: She is 17 pounds, 3 ounces.  Clothing Size: 12 months, with a few 9 month onesies that I still SQUEEZE her into.   Fave Toy: She received some super fun toys for her birthday!  Its hard to pick a fave this month as she is having a blast exploring them all!  But if I had to pick, I think...


Gia's first birthday

One Year Old!

Tuesday, May 08, 2012
I cannot believe Gianna is one year old.  We had to go to the doctor on Friday before her birthday because she had an ear infection.  Gia now weighs 17 pounds 1 ounce, and grew an inch in just the past month.  She is 28 inches tall now!  That puts her in about the 12th percentile for her height and weight.  Dr. C...


Gia Week By Week

52 Weeks!

Tuesday, May 08, 2012
HURRAY!  52 Weeks old and this Photo A Week project is complete!  I had my doubts about being able to do this project, but now that it is complete I can't believe how fast this past year has flown by.  I am glad I was able to keep up with it! This past week has been so crazy with all the things Gia...


eating disorders

HFC Day 5: Body Appreciation Day!

Sunday, May 06, 2012
I think its quite serendipitous and appropriate that today's prompt is about body appreciation.  You see, today is my sweet baby girl's very first birthday.  And if conceiving a tiny baby, then cooking that baby, giving birth and recovering from the previous 10 months doesn't make you appreciate your body, nothing will. One of the many therapeutic exercises I had to do while...



Thoughts From the Delivery Room, A Year Later

Saturday, May 05, 2012
So much has changed in just a year.  I am amazed and humbled at the ways I have personally seen God move.  Our baby girl, Gia was born one year ago today.  On this morning last year, I was a bundle of nerves!  We headed to my doctor's appointment just hoping and praying they would let me have the baby that day.  After...


eating disorders

HFC Day 3: Mascot

Thursday, May 03, 2012
Ok, maybe its just me, but today's prompt: Create a Mascot, is a little strange.  I don't think I'm creative enough to do that.  Or maybe I've just been out of art therapy too long to come up with something.  So... yeah.  However, I did see a really cute mascot by another blogger who is a part of this Hungry for Change blog...