Feeling a bit like life is unfair lately. I know, cry me a river. I realize the stupidity in these pinings.... I just can't stand it when people cheat and get away with it, when people cut corners, reason away morality, and are just plain weasels. I don't like weasels. That said, I came across this quote:Expecting the world to treat you...
So here's a little update on my Spring Cleaning List.... I'm actually quite impressed! Get/Hang Curtains for Master Bedroom Clean Out Junk Drawers:KitchenDresser in MasterBedsides in MasterBathroomHallway DeskWipe Down Kitchen Cabinets ( I only got half way done with this!Re-Organize PantryThin Out ClosetOrganize/Clean OfficeHang Pictures in OfficePaint Fireplace MantelDust Bookshelves in Dining RoomGet Together Garage Sale Stuff ...
I love a lot of things. But two things in particular that I am talking about now are Angelina Jolie and Patricia Cornwell novels. In fact, just last night I went to the library with my husband and picked up one of Cornwell's books that I hadn't read in a long time. In case you are not familiar with these books, they are...
I'm now positive that I love my Google Reader. I have the little thing in my side bar that shows some of the blogs I follow that have recently been updated, but that's not enough. You might not understand just how many blogs I follow. A lot. Its almost embarrassing. In fact, my husband makes fun of me for it. But, I am...
So I have just discovered Google Reader.... I'm not quite sure of exactly how it works, but I'm trying to figure it out. See, I have dozens of blogs that I LOVE to read every day, and I have them all bookmarked in a folder at the top of my navbar on my computer. That's great, but quite a pain when I want...
My poor hubby is sick tonight. I hate when he's sick and there is nothing I can do to make him feel better. And I'm really not good with the whole puke thing, but I think I have gotten a little bit better through the years. Pray that he feels better fast!This week is supposed to be super hot... starting today. Sheesh, I...
On whether or not I like the new layout. What do you think? I thought it would be easier to read, but it seems smaller... what do you thinK? On whether or not I like the new layout. What do you think? I thought it would be easier to read, but it seems smaller... what do you thinK? ...
I suppose I post pictures of my pantry to avoid the soul-searching that a good blog intrinsically implies (and deserves). I just can't seem to put "right now" into words these days. But today, I was reminded over and over again that God is so faithful and I am so.... not. I got an email from my soon-to-be sister-in-law today, and she linked...
We have been busy busy bees around our house lately! Remember that not so little Spring Cleaning to do list? Well I checked a couple more things off that list. Most importantly, I got my winter clothes switched out for my summer clothes. This may not seem like much to some of you, but I have a TON of clothes. And I'm not...
Prayer is a tricky thing because I think no one has really taught us how to really do it. Growing up we were taught different methods of prayer and encouraged to try them out and find one that works best for me, but something was always missing. Having been a Youth Minister I can recall pleading with my students to just spend minutes...
Easter Services at church were great! I went Saturday night and it was an awesome celebration of our redeemer's resurrection!We had Matthew West doing special music and Jim Morris ("The Rookie") as a guest interview. Matthew's songs were so inspirational. He told a story about an 18 year old guy in Oklahoma who listened to Matthew's song "The Motions" and it changed his...
I picked up this book tonight on a trip to Barnes and Noble with my honey. As I was sipping my cappuccino in the cafe area and reading the introduction, I knew immediateley it was a keeper.... and a life changer. 15 years ago this month, a tragedy occured halfway around the world that forever changed the face and the heart of Africa....
And I can't ignore it.I came across this quote tonight, just minutes ago, and it brought me to tears. I had to read it twice to really get the full weight of it. So here it is... read it once, then read it again."Sometimes I want to ask God why He allows such poverty, hurt, inequality and unfairness in the world. But I...
As I sit here drinking Diet Pepsi, listening to Rich Mullins, and enjoying an overcast day I figured I can't go wrong writing in the blog that I created that my wonderful wife has taken over. Sometimes I simply wonder is there anyone out there like me? Not that I am something special that people should strive to become me (unless you want...
Spring always gives me the cleaning bug. There's so much that I want to do, I need a grown-up person spring break to do it all!! (I wish we got spring break in the real world! Summer and holidays always make me want to be a teacher....) But, slowly but surely, I am working away at my list. It may be next Spring...
I am so excited to share that I will soon have another sister-in-law! My brother-in-law, Kyle proposed to his super sweet girlfriend, Anne!! I just love her/them and cannot wait to raise our babies together and go shopping after Thanksgiving while the boys watch Football and comiserate during the tense times of those crucial sports games! And, well, no one else knows what...
I'm excited about something!!!!Just thought I'd share. :-) And thanks for the lovely comments on my previous post. Ya'll are fabulous. :-) ...