2011 Photobomb
Wednesday, January 04, 2012JANUARYThe year started out with me being pregnant with Gia... I was in the honeymoon phase of pregnancy... no morning sickness, still small enough to get around and energy, too! I was busy with my job, as things with the Mobile Ultrasound Clinic were really going strong. We were at a new location downtown and were seeing God move in incredible ways- saving lives of babies and mothers! I also started documenting my pregnancy with Gia week by week.
FEBRUARYMy friends at PCC threw me an amazing baby shower! These women are so dear and special to my heart! They prayed for us with Whitney and even more so with Gianna. They were always such an encouragement to me. Leaving them was the hardest part of leaving Fresno. I still miss them, and working with them. I learned so much from these amazing women of faith. This is also the month that we made the difficult decision to move to Cincinnati. I gave my 2 weeks notice, and we left the last day of the month. I was getting very pregnant at this point, and thanks to the Revolution in Egypt, my mom actually came and stayed with us for a week, helping me pack. That was such a lifesaver... I have no idea how I thought I could pack up our whole house by myself at 29 weeks pregnant by myself! The last night of February, we boarded a red-eye flight for Ohio... with my 30 week pregnant belly, hubby, 4 suitcases, 3 carry-ons and 2 cats. Whew! I'm glad that's over!
MARCHWe moved to Cincinnati and spent the last few months as a twosome just going to doctor appointments, eating at Skyline and resting. I LOVE LOVE LOVED my doctors in Cinci. I was so nervous about transferring so late in my pregnancy, but they were fantastic. God certainly knew what I needed at that time. I loved our monthly/weekly visits down to Clifton... we always made sure to schedule it around lunchtime so we could eat at the Skyline down there, or try one of the cool ethnic restaurants.
APRILBoth my mom and sister came to Cincinnati for the baby shower Sean's step-mom threw for us. It was so great to have so many people I loved together!! We went to the zoo with mom & sis and had a blast! At this point, I was so ready to have our baby! I was trying everything I could to get Gia to come... walking, eating spicy foods, bouncing on a ball. We were so ready for her to be in our arms! 2 weeks before my due date, I had to go buy new jeans because none of my others pants fit!
Finally! Our baby is here! Gia arrived May 5, and the rest of the month year was a blur!
JUNEMy sister came to visit at the beginning of this month, and it was great having her there! She got me started with the cloth diapers, and showed me some great ways to care for Gia. She's a super mom! At the end of the month, my parents came, and Sean and I spent the week at a hotel with them. We went to the museum one day and it was so much fun! It was great to have Gia's grandparents all together! This month, we also accepted a new job for Sean, as youth minister! Yay! After all the months of waiting, it was definitely worth it. That is really what I'd been praying for all along, that all the waiting would be worth it!
JULYIt was my big 3-0 birthday, and what did we do? Joe's Crab Shack, of course! Yum! Doesn't Gia look thrilled with her first Joe's experience? She actually did really great. Sean went to CIY with our new Youth Group while Gia and I chilled at home. Then, a week after that, we moved to our new home! And man, it was hot that month! Sadly, we had to put Duke down before we moved. Heartbroken.
AUGUST:We began to settle into our new life and home... and loving being a family of 3!
SEPTEMBERFootball season starts! And we had a fun night out with our Wilson siblings in Indy. Sean's birthday was also this month, and the three of us spent a couple of nights at a beautiful cabin. It was starting to get cool in the evenings... Oh, how I love fall.
OCTOBERMy mom came to visit for a week and we did some fun Fall stuff... Covered Bridge festival and the Apple Orchard! It was such a great time with her! For Halloween, Gia was the most adorable Unicorn EVER!
We went to KC for Thanksgiving with my family and had a blast! It was our first long road trip with Gia and she did great! After we got home, our kitty Seal got sick and we had to put him down, too. So sad. We are now a pet-less home for the first time in our entire marriage. :(
DECEMBERSean and I went to our first Colts football game and had amazing seats! We had a great Christmas at home, just the three of us, then went to Cincinnati the next day to be with Sean's family.
Its been a crazy, whirlwind year. Good, but crazy. Can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for us!!
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