These baked beans are TO DIE FOR. They are almost more of a casserole, but still go good as a side. (Even though Sean and I did have them as leftovers for dinner Monday!) My grandma made them this Thanksgiving, then I just made them on Sunday for a potluck. You gotta try them... ! I've put my notes/opinions in color, just for...
Just thought I'd share of few of my favorite things, as of late. Its very random, I promise, but lots of good stuff. So, for you time-wasting, website-puddle-jumping joy.... here ya go!Design*Sponge's DIY sectionYou can find all sorts of fabulously simple DIY crafts and decor ideas, such as these awesome cedar silhouettes.... If you know me well enough to get a present from...
Our decision to move to California was not an easy one. But one of the things that made it easier (though NOT a factor in our decision-making process) was the fact that several of our dear friends from college already lived out here and worked at the same church. Even though we may not hang out as much now as we thought we...
I was really off on some of my nomination predictions! See for yourself:Richard JenkinsThe VisitorFrank LangellaFrost/NixonSean PennMilkBrad PittThe Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonMickey RourkeThe WrestlerJosh BrolinMilkRobert Downey JrTropic ThunderPhilip Seymour Hoffman DoubtHeath LedgerThe Dark KnightMichael ShannonRevolutionary RoadAnne HathawayRachel Getting MarriedAngelina JolieChangelingMelissa LeoFrozen RiverMeryl StreepDoubtKate WinsletThe ReaderAmy Adams DoubtPenelope CruzVicky Cristina BarcelonaViola DavisDoubtTaraji P HensonThe Curious Case...Marissa TomeiThe WrestlerThe Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonFrost/NixonMilkThe ReaderSlumdog Millionaire ...
Yes, yes, i know what you're thinking... Christmas has already come and gone... isn't that the most wonderful time of the year? While Christmas is wonderful and I enjoy the good tidings as much as anyone, the most wonderful time of the year will be upon us in just about 6 hours... that's right friends... that is when the nominations for the 81st...
Here's another review on Mad Church Disease... I'm getting more and more excited to read it! I'll let you know my thoughts as soon as I read it... Release date: 01 Feb. I want some of you to read it too so we can actually talk about it! Its super cheap on Amazon pre-order (<---- That's even a direct link to order it... so...
I thought that was so funny! Very well done! Especially if you watched WW. Whoever did that is brilliant!Ok, I feel the urge to opine (thank you Bill O'Reilly for that vocab word. I now use it at least weekly) for a moment on the upcoming inauguration. So I didn't vote for the guy, and I'm not a big fan of many of...
My love for Survivor has never been a secret.... I LOVE IT! And I have always wanted to audition to be on the show... talk about the ultimate life experience! I've tried to make application videos, and can never get anything good enough to send in . Well, my friends.... there is an open casting call for Survivor next week, in my town....
So, I came across this on ysmarko's blog (from Youth Specialties). (**So we're not exactly youth people anymore... we're missions people... but who says missions can't be youth or vice-versa!?) ***By the way, you should totally bookmark his blog... has tons of great links and interesting stuff all the time.*** OK~ enough side tracks... back to the point....He posted about this series of...
No more photobooth..... ...
Look at this verse I saw.... it is the calling of Jeremiah, Jeremiah 1:5--->4. The word of the LORD came to me, saying,5. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."6. "Ah, Sovereign Lord," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child."7. But the LORD said to...
I am extremely interested in this book....anyone heard or read it?? I am extremely interested in this book....anyone heard or read it?? ...
I've heard some people say. "Your husband's a pastor... he doesn't really work." Well, if that thought has ever crossed your mind about any pastor you know, let me assure it is not true! I just laugh at the statement nowadays... Here's a glimpse at what lies ahead for Sean and I this week....Monday 6:30-9:30pm (after a FULL day of work 8-5:30 for...
I was trying to work on some design stuff this morning, but there was a little furry blog hindering my hand-to-keyboard movement. I was wearing Sean's robe (which is Duke's FAVE) and he was just so cuddly and cute... had to take a picture.... ...