
Day In, Day Out

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Nothing eloquent or deep in this post (I hope)... just life as of late! Everyone around me seems to have this freak 12 hour stomach bug thing. No bueno. Everyone seems to think its food poisoning because it comes on so fast and freakish, but its really not food poisoning. Hubby had it a couple weeks ago... I blamed him for eating way...


Desert Song

Monday, December 28, 2009
A girl sang this song at church this weekend and I think it is so beautiful and SO pertinent...You can listen to the song HEREThe Desert SongVerse 1:This is my prayer in the desertAnd all that's within me feels dryThis is my prayer in the hunger in meMy God is a God who providesVerse 2:And this is my prayer in the fireIn weakness...



Baby Blanket

Sunday, December 27, 2009
My sister gave Whitney this beautiful blanket for Christmas, along with the sweetest note I have ever read in my life. I just had to share this with you guys, and give HUGE thank-you to my sister, Whitney's aunt. :-) When I opened the present with the blanket and saw Whitney's name embroidered on it, suddenly she was SO real. Not that she...


Merry Happy!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas Mom & Dad

Friday, December 25, 2009
So this video is really only for my mom and dad, but this is literally the ONLY means by which I could get it viewable to them. Youtube, email, and a million other avenues were impossible. Merry Christmas mom and dad! We love you and miss you. Sometimes these miles between us really suck! Wish you were here or we were there! :-)...


What A Miserable Man!

Thursday, December 24, 2009
What a miserable life this man, Irv Sutley, must lead. I just read an article on Fox News about how he complained about angles and stars on Christmas trees in California State buildings, and they were removed! He claimed that he found them "extrememly offensive" and were symbols of the "cult" of Christianity. Boy is he in for a surprise. I suppose this...


Please Don't be Fooled

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Today I am not strong. Today I am not brave. Today I don't want to be hopeful or positive or look for the joy in things. Today I just want to be normal. And this is not normal.Tonight, I just want to be able to sleep. And breathe. And forget for a few hours all that lies ahead. All the decisions to be...



An Answer from the Amnio

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sean posted this to our other blog, so I thought I'd repost here, too.I am going to attempt to explain in this blog what has been confusing the doctor's since we began. Forgive me if I am too technical, all I am doing is copying information from other websites so that you may be informed. So here we go:A few weeks ago the...


Pssst... pass it on!

Saturday, December 19, 2009
This is a fun thing I read in another blog and thought it would be fun to do on here! :) The name of the game is Finish That Sentence!1. I’ve come to realize that my body. . . is pretty freaking awesome. And not in the good-looking way that you may be thinking... but I love that my body is actually housing...



Dancing With My Baby

Friday, December 18, 2009
Sean wrote this post on our other blog today and I thought I would share. Its so beautiful. PS-(We started another blog specifically about Whitney. HERE'S THE LINK TO THAT. I generally post anything baby-related here first and then on the other one. But I wanted to keep this blog going, as opposed to just jumping ship. That's why you'll also see funny,...



This Thing Called Hope

Friday, December 18, 2009
Sean and I had another dr. appt. today... and as is par for the course, we came out with no more information than we walked in with. We are still waiting on the results of our amnio, and after that our doctor will hopefully have a better idea of what kind of care plan we will make for the rest of our pregnancy.As...


He's pretty much got a record deal already...

Friday, December 18, 2009
Ok, not exactly. But Sean and Jimmy and the rest of the Jr Hi sponsors made this promo video for their winter camp... its hillarious! They're so gangster. :-) ...



A Lifetime of Learning...

Thursday, December 17, 2009
(This might be a long one... wanna get a cup of cocoa first?)Can I just tell you how I feel that God has truly prepared me my whole life for this very specific season? I've always known and believed that each of our experiences in life build upon one another, and help us in our future plans and decisions. Every choice we make...



Better Than Life

Sunday, December 13, 2009
I've been reading through the Psalms and have been finding great strength, hope and comfort from them. However, a couple of nights ago I came across one that has been giving me fits ever since I read it. Here it is:Psalm 63:3 (New International Version) 3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.You may wonder what my problem...




Thursday, December 10, 2009
Today we went back to the Children's Hospital. I wasn't able to meet with the neonatalogist, as she had an emergency come up. So we are going to reschedule for another time.They were, however able to do the amniocentesis today. Whitney's fluid level is up a little, and her cord wasn't totally in the way like it was last time we tried. We...




Wednesday, December 09, 2009
I thought you all might like to see some pictures of this little girl that Sean and I are so madly in love with. So... here she is in all her black-and-white ultrasound photo cuteness. :-)Profile Pic: This is my favorite of her... a front-on shot... you can see where her eyes are, too! Isn't she beautiful? And here's a weird 3-D one......



Praise for this Appointment!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Through my job, I have been able to meet some really neat people in the medical community. One of them is a doctor I met in a nearby town, where we will be taking our mobile medical unit. He runs a clinic in a very poor town, and never refuses to see a patient if they are sick, regardless of their ability to...



Words from Friends

Tuesday, December 08, 2009
When I first found out I was pregnant, I immediately began a new tab on our bookmarks bar on our computer. This is the bar at the top of our screen, just under the internet address, where you can "bookmark" frequented websites. I started a new tab called "Baby Stuff." I put websites like Babies R Us, The Bump, April 2010 Birth Club,...


Sunday, December 06, 2009
_____________________________________________________________ ...



Saturday, December 05, 2009
Can I just say that I am very frustrated right now?! My primary OBGYN called me yesterday to say that he wants to refer me to a high risk OB and that he would be taking over my care. That was fine with me. He said that the new doctor would like to do his own ultrasound and then would actually decide on...



You Are Not Alone

Friday, December 04, 2009
Of course this phrase automatically makes me think of one of my top 10 fave MJ songs, but that's beside the point....Several times today, I have been reminded that I am not alone in my suffering. And not that I ever thought the world revolved around me or my problems, but sometimes, in the midst of our pain, it is easy to forget...



Another Update

Thursday, December 03, 2009
We had our appointment at VCH today. Whitney is now measuring around 19 weeks everywhere (head, legs, etc) except for her belly, which continues to measure about 3 weeks behind that. Pretty much everything is the same as it was last time... nothing better, nothing much worse. Her amniotic fluid is down by 1 level-- last time it was a 7, this time...



Quick Update

Wednesday, December 02, 2009
We have another appointment tomorrow at Valley Children's Hospital. It will just be another ultrasound, and from there we will hopefully know more of what to do. Honestly? This is hard and it sucks. I want to be planning our nursery, attending baby showers, and buying bows and pink dresses. I did not want to leave Cincinnati at all. I cried and cried...



Wedding Weekend

Monday, November 30, 2009
This weekend was my brother-n-law, Kyle's wedding. We had a great time! We got to see so much of our family, and I definitely do NOT want to go home tomorrow! I love Sean's family so much and just miss them when we're so far away! Here's some pics from the wedding...Groom waiting for his bride, with brother/best man by his side... he...



Thankfulness, part deux

Friday, November 27, 2009
Thought you might like to see some pictures of things I am thankful for... so here they are in living color :-)I am so thankful for my parents. And because they live in Egypt now, I am also thankful for things like Sype, Instant Messenger, Internet telephone service and wesbites that tell me the time difference, so I don't have to do the...



Thanksgiving Post 1

Thursday, November 26, 2009
I have so much to be thankful for, it will take a couple of posts to express it all. Right now, I am thankful that our God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I am thankful that he is just as good today as he was last Wednesday; I am thankful He will be just as loving and righteous and merciful in...



Thanksgiving Eve

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My mom wrote an excellent blog on everything that is a Skinner-Hampton-Wilson-Johnson-Hiatt Thanksgiving. You should stop over to her blog to read it. She also has some really neat updates on her and my dad's life in Cairo... you should add her to your blogroll:http://samandkimintulsa.blogspot.com/ ...



Our Baby girl, Whitney Jill

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Well, friends, I have put this off long enough. I have some exciting and sad news to share with you. I wish we could sit down with each of you individually to share this part of our lives with you, but the distances don't allow that. However, we do covet your prayers, however far away you may be.First the exciting news: We found...